The Fifth Batch
Released October 26, 1995
by Joseph Backes
A brief note of explanation: I had received copies of the documents in this batch that were redacted. I believe I got them from John Judge but I cannot remember now. In April of 1996 I took the redacted copies with me to Archives II to check against what was released. So that is why it may seem like I am confused with some of these documents. Things didn’t make sense until I went to the Archives myself and went through the releases slowly and methodically. I still don’t know why there were 44 documents released but better more than less.
The Board voted on September 13, 1995 to release 43 CIA documents. (Why is it 44 documents?)
The CIA documents:
1.) 104-10004-10257 2.) 104-10015-10010 3.) 104-10015-10017 4.) 104-10015-10026 5.) 104-10015-10040 6.) 104-10015-10046 7.) 104-10015-10050 8.) 104-10015-10055 9.) 104-10015-10059 10.) 104-10015-10060 11.) 104-10015-10063 12.) 104-10015-10066 13.) 104-10015-10067 14.) 104-10015-10069 15.) 104-10015-10071 16.) 104-10015-10072 17.) 104-10015-10075 18.) 104-10015-10077 19.) 104-10015-10078 20.) 104-10015-10081 21.) 104-10015-10082 22.) 104-10015-10086 23.) 104-10015-10095 24.) 104-10015-10098 25.) 104-10015-10099 26.) 104-10015-10101 27.) 104-10015-10102 28.) 104-10015-10104 29.) 104-10015-10105 30.) 104-10015-10106 31.) 104-10015-10109 32.) 104-10015-10111 33.) 104-10015-10115 34.) 104-10015-10117 35.) 104-10015-10122 36.) 104-10015-10128 37.) 104-10015-10132 38.) 104-10015-10136 39.) 104-10015-10139 40.) 104-10015-10141 41.) 104-10015-10152 42.) 104-10015-10156 43.) 104-10015-10161 44.) 104-10015-10162
Also included in this September 13 notice of formal determinations are 11 FBI documents. These are not the 11 released on October 19, 1995. These FBI documents were not released at this time. I got these documents in April of 1996.
FBI Documents (Those with an ‘x’ were released October 26, 1995):
1.) 124-10035-10168x 2.) 124-10037-10020x 3.) 124-10076-10024x 4.) 124-10085-10330 (not released October 26, 1995) 5.) 124-10085-10333 (not released October 26, 1995) 6.) 124-10104-10238x 7.) 124-10157-10384x 8.) 124-10171-10238x 9.) 124-10191-10089x 10.) 124-10242-10180x 11.) 124-10263-10085x
Now I have the CIA documents but I don’t know if they are the redacted versions or the released versions. I am inclined to believe that theses are the released versions as I know it is impossible to find the redacted versions at the Archives. I do not have the 11 FBI documents. I wonder how I got these documents as I do not have the Formal Determination Notice that should accompany each document released by the Review Board. I believe that John Judge gave me these but neglected to copy the FDN’s.
Okay, on 26-27 April of 1996 I went to the Archives in an attempt to catch up with ARRB document releases. I wanted to start from the October releases after October 19 as that was the last time I had been in Washington. I now understand that I must have received redacted versions of documents from John Judge because I took what I had and compared it to what is available at Archives II.
9 of the 11 FBI documents referred to above were released on October 26, 1995. I do not know why 2 FBI documents have been withheld. Those two are document # 124-10085-10330 and document # 124-10085-10333.
The FBI Documents
Document # 124-10035-10168 is a 7 page cable from SAC Dallas to Director, FBI. It is dated January 25, 1964. For some reason pages 2-5 are missing. This document refers to an article in The Nation January 24, 1964 quoting Dist. Attorney Henry Wade and his assistant William Alexander. This concerns the Lonnie Hudkins report that Lee Harvey Oswald was an informant for the FBI. Page six reports that H. P. White, a prominent defense attorney and member of the Grievance Committee of Dallas Bar Association, advised the FBI that in 1957 and 1958 Mrs. Cuba Lee Glick Alexander came to his office several times to try to handle her divorce from Alexander. Glick married Alexander while Alexander was a Lt. in the Military Police of the U.S. Army. Glick soon realized the Alexander was a “Mental case” and was receiving shock treatments while in the military service. White is of the opinion that Alexander will say or do anything and is totally irresponsible.
Document # 124-10037-10020 is a three page report from SAC Los Angeles to Director, FBI. It is dated December 2, 1963 Agent Kazuo Yakura of the Secret Service called SA Samuel W. North, jr. and requested an appointment to discuss George Lyman Paine jr. Yakura explained that his office had received word from their Washington, D.C. office that one Mike Paine, son of George Lyman Paine jr. of Los Angeles, had been an associate of Lee Harvey Oswald. The elder Paine was also supposed to be a member of a subversive organization. George Lyman Paine, jr. is currently included in the Security Index at the Los Angeles office and is the subject of Bureau file 100-404929 and Los Angeles file 100-43728.
Page two reports that LA 4023-S (this is someone whose identity they are concealing) called North to advise that she recalled Lyman Paine making a statement prior to the summer of 1963 that Mike Paine was going to visit in the coming summer. LA-4023-S nor LA-4024-S had ever seen Mike.
Yakura accompanied by John Larson appeared before SA’s Paul Mack and North. Yakura explained that Secret Service headquarters in Washington advising of the above information and directing that the FBI be contacted. Yakura asked if this office (LA filed office) had any record of Mike Paine’s activities. He was answered in the negative.
I am sure that Yakura really wanted to know if the FBI had any information on Mike or George Lyman Paine not just if the LA field office had any.
Yakura then asked about Lyman Paine’s current activities. He was told that George Lyman Paine jr. was currently a member of the Los Angeles Local Correspondence (LALC) but that both the LALC and Paine had been inactive since about March 1962. Yakura wanted to know if George Lyman Paine had been at work on 11/22/63 and wondered if the FBI would object to the Service interviewing him. The FBI did not object but said they would interview him and pass along the information. The Service agents were told that information on the Paines was highly classified and could be used only pursuant to classification regulations.
Why were the Paines given such special treatment? This isn’t even Ruth.
William J. Spath, Inspection Department, Bank of America, National Trust and Savings Association, 650 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California informed North that George Lyman Paine was employed as a Draftsman, Continental Service Company, a subsidiary of the Bank of America, 1335 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, and was then residing at 2331 Holgate Square, Los Angeles and was at work on 11/22/63. This information was then passed onto the Service.
Document # 124-10076-10024 is an eight page report from SAC Dallas to Director, FBI. It is dated January 25, 1964. It is a copy of document # 124-10035-10168.
Document # 124-10104-10238 is also a copy of document # 124-10035-10168.
Document # 124-10157-10384 is also a copy of document # 124-10035-10168.
Document # 124-10171-10238 is a three page report from SAC Los Angeles to Director, FBI. It is dated 12/2/63. This is a copy of document # 124-10037-10020.
Document # 124-10191-10089 is a four page report from SAC New York to Director, FBI. It is dated 6/19/61. This is an announcement for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee national convention at Hotel Albert, 23 East 10th St., NYC, NY, on 7/1/61. Edwin Fischer, Manager informed the FBI of this.
Document 3 124-10242-10180 is a three page report dated 12/2/63. It is a copy of document # 124-10037-10020.
Document # 124-10263-10085 is a copy of document # 124-10037-10020.
The CIA Documents
Document # 104-10004-10257 is a seven page report from the CIA to the FBI on the telephone intercept of Lee Harvey Oswald’s calls to the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. It is directed to the attention of Mr. S. J. Papich, who is the FBI liaison to the CIA. It is from the Deputy Director of Plans. The first page of the translated conversation very badly bled through onto the cover letter in the copying process so I enclose the text of the covering letter here. This document is dated November 23, 1963.
“1. Reference is made to CIA out Teletype Number 84915, dated 23 November 1963.
2. Forwarded as Enclosure A is a transcript of the 28 September 1963 telephone call reported in reference teletype and of a 1 October 1963 phone call to the Soviet Embassy by a man who identified himself as Lee Oswald. It is noted that the “North American” who participated in the first call is the same man who identified himself as Lee Oswald in the second.
3. Forwarded as Enclosure B is a transcript of three phone calls made on 27 September 1963, one made on 1 October 1963 and one made on 3 October 1963. Voice comparisons indicated that the “North American” who participated in several of these conversations is probably the person who identified himself as Lee Oswald on 1 October 1963.
4. Our tentative conclusion from reading these transcripts is that Oswald went to the Soviet Embassy hoping to get a visa to go to the Soviet Union and live and that failing that, failing to get it quickly, he tried to get a Cuban transit visa so he could go to Cuba and wait for the granting of the Soviet visa. This is also the conclusion reached by Silvia Duran, the Mexican national employee of the Cuban Embassy who dealt with Oswald.”
“Voice comparisons,” eh? How very interesting.
This was from “Scelso”.
The rest of the document gives the standard official version of the transcripts which we have seen a multitude of times.
Okay, the real released copy of the document is a better copy for page one. Page two is a cable from Mexico City No. 7025 dated November 23, 1963. Substitute language is used everywhere where there was a black ink redaction in the redacted version. And to add to the confusion the redacted version has all 7 pages of the document. The released one copied at Archives II is missing the last three pages.
Document # 104-10015-10010 is a one page document concerning car traces of vehicles issued to Carol J. Soles, Richard J. Aranda and Harry Lee Saffe. It cannot be determined when this document was written. It is copied in “The Eighth Batch” in document # 104-10015-10065. The redacted version had one hand written word redacted. “Fol from KUSODA” is written across the top in the released version. KUSODA was the redacted word.
Document # 104-10015-10017 is a two page report to Director, CIA dated 9/12/61 . Who it is from is blacked out. It is from Mexico city. Big Surprise, huh? This is similar to document # 104-10015-10015 from “The Third Batch” of documents released by the Board. The main redaction that was released is LIFEAT. This deals with a telephone intercept between Ramon Cortes, President of Transcontinental and a man believed to be Lorenzo Saunders, the vice president of the same organization living in Tyler, Texas. Mexican customs is holding the shipment of goods whose ultimate destination was/is Cuba. It is unknown why they are holding the shipment or what the shipment is. Also discussed was the purchase of merchandise in Oklahoma. They were planning to meet in Monterey on Saturday September 9, 1963 and from there drive to some location.
Document # 104-10015-10026 is a one page record and routing sheet from CIRA/RS to IP/AN. It is not really dated at all. I’m guessing it is from the 1970’s, perhaps May 14, 1975 It is titled “Routing and Record sheet concerning chronology of the Investigation relating to Oswald’s stay and contacts in Mexico, Sept. 1963-Feb 1968.”
Was this request made in Feb. 1968? Is Oswald still supposed to be alive in 1968? Or are they still investigating in 1968?
On the routing sheet itself after 1968 it says, “REQUESTED BY [COS Mexico] AFTER RECEIVING REQUEST FROM [LUND] DONE ON THE BASIS OF THE MEXICO STATION FILE, P-8593, NOW CLASSIFIED TO 201-289248.” And underneath that it says, “Analysis of Oswald file of all early contacts up to 4 Feb. 68, requested by [COS Mexico] after receiving letter from [LUND].
Document # 104-10015-10040 is a one page routing and record sheet from SR/CI/P/DL to C/SR/CI/P. It is dated 5/26/61 It is a request for all references on Lee Harvey Oswald. It is dated May 26, 1961. Under comments there is this, “FYI (WP had originally asked me to pull together all refs on this man.) Since then it has been determined that [Betty Egerter] is interested & either holds the 201-289248 or has it restricted to her.
I thought it was Ann Egerter. Under the fourth space on the record and routing sheet Egerter was redacted it is now released CI/SIG/Egerter.
Document # 104-10015-10046 is a one page routing and record sheet. It is from RID/AN to CI/LS. It is dated September 24, 1963. One of the people who signed for this is “Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10050 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director,CIA. It is a request for Oswald photo. It is dated October 15, 1963. LCIMPROVE was the redacted word.
Document # 104-10015-10055 is a one page report. It has an incorrect date on the RIF. The RIF dates the document to November 23, 1968, that should of course be ’63. The released copy is missing the JFK Assassination System Identification Form. These CIA documents do not have RIF’s and are not in the JFK Assassination database.
“Subject : Suggestion that Silvia Duran be arrested and questioned.” “Suggestion that” and “be arrested and questioned” are handwritten in. This document gives, Silvia Duran’s address, her mother’s address, her brother’s address, her license plate number and her phone number. Handwritten on the bottom in the released version and redacted in the other is cc: Litempo / Prod. (50-6-91/4).
Document # 104-10015-10059 is a one page document from C/WH/3, our friend “Mr. Scelso”, although “Scelso” does not appear in the document. It is a memo for record. It is dated November 23, 1963.
The text of the document states, “After receipt of Mexi 7029 at about 1715 on 23 Nov. 1963, saying that Mexi was having the Mexicans arrest Silvia Duran, Mr. Karamessines, ADDP,ordered us to phone Mexi and tell them not to do it. We phoned as ordered, against my wishes, and also wrote a FLASH cable that we did not then send. Winston Scott answered and said it was too late to call off the arrest. He emphasized that the Mexicans had known of the Oswald involvement with Silvia Duran through the same information. He agreed with our request that the arrest be kept secret an that no information be leaked.”
“Winston Scott is actually written in over a blacked out bit and there is another blacked out bit covering a typed name. The signature for Mr. Scelso is redacted but “Scelso” appears over the space.
Document # 104-10015-10060 is a similar one page document as above. It is a memorandum for COS from Lawrence F. Barker. It is dated 11/22/63 It is a suggestion to COS Mexico that police cordon Cuban Embassy.
The text of the document states, “In view of the fact that Mexican authorities closed the U.S.-Mexican border on their own initiative yesterday in an effort to make escape difficult for the Kennedy assassin/s, I think we should give serious consideration to asking the Mexican authorities here in Mexico City to put a police cordon around the Cuban Embassy and require all visitors to identify themselves–entering and exiting.”
There is a similar blacked out bit covering a, I’m guessing now, typed name and signature. It covered LFB ‘s large initials.
Document #104-10015-10063 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It is a FLASH cable. It is dated 11/24/63. “Assume you are keeping legat attache fully informed on developments Ref.” The origin part is blacked out, as are the signatures over Thomas Karamessines, the releasing officer and whoever is the authenticating officer. The name for all three redactions is B. E. Reichhardt.
Document # 104-10015-10066 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/22/63. “Lic. Luis Echevarria informed COS at 1800 hrs Mexico time that Silvia Duran and her husband had already been arrested.” This document is duplicated in “The Eighth Batch” as Document # 104-10015-10265.
Document # 104-10015-10067 is a two page report from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/ 24/ 63. It is titled “Conflicting reports re Kostikov’s stated intention to go to trip 22 Nov.” There are four small blacked out bits. Three of them have a 1 typed over them so the Board considers this to be one redaction that repeats. It was not released at all in unredacted form.
Document # 104-10015-10069 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated November 24, 1963. Information is supplied from U.S. consulate in Nuevo Laredo. “Harvey Oswald Lee entered Mexico at Nuevo Laredo on Sept. 26.” Notice the name. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10268 from “The Eighth Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10071 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, Mexico City. “Advised legal attache at 1915 hours Mexico time of arrest and of headquarters desire for secrecy. Leg att had not heard of arrest although he had talked to Gobernacion contacts several times in last hour. This is good sign of Echevarria control for time being.” It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10270 from “The Eighth Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10072 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/24/63. RYBAT REDWOOD LCIMPROVE was redacted, as was source: LIMITED and LILYRIC “At 1100 on 23 Nov., a 1955 Green Ford California 1963 plates KVU 191 parked near Soviet Embassy. Male driver approached Main gate but did not enter. Stood looking at Embassy and watching street for minute then walked across street to plant shop where remained until approximately 1145 when left area.” There is an unredacted copy of this in “The Eighth Batch”, document # 104-10015-10271.
Document # 104-10015-10075 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/24/63. “Echevarria told COS Silvia Duran completely cooperative and gave written statement attesting to two visits by Oswald.” The rest of the report details Oswald’s official activities in Mexico City at the Cuban consulate.
Document # 104-10015-10077 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/24/63. RE: Sov cultural Officer Svyatoslav Fedorovich Kuznetsov, identified KGB. This document is rather heavily redacted. The unredacted version reads:
Document # 104-10015-10078 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/24/63. It is similar to the above referred to document. “Target Sovmilat Aleksandr Georgiyovich Sidorov, of no pertinence.” There are three good size redactions. They are RYBAT REDWOOD LCIMPROVE, LIPAWN-1 and AUDIO PRODUCT.
Document # 104-10015-10081 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/24/63. There is a duplicate document # 104-10015-10289 without redaction in “The Eighth Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10082 is a two page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/24/63. Paragraph 3 of the second page which had about two lines worth of redactions now reads, “RE REF B. WITH MEXI7933 HQ HAS FULL TRANSCRIPTS ALL PERTINENT CALLS. REGRET COMPLETE RECHECK SHOWS TAPES FOR THIS PERIOD ALREADY ERASED. STATION FEELING THAT ABOVE IS BEST ANSWER OBTAINABLE TO REF B BUT WILL REQUEST REINTERROGATION DURAN IF HQ STILL DESIRES. There is a duplicate in “The Eighth Batch”, Document # 104-10015-10290 without any redactions.
Document # 104-10015-10086 is a two page cable from JMWAVE to Director, CIA. It is dated November 24, 1963. It states: “1. FYI local FBI contacted WAVE 23 Nov. to advise they received teletype their hqs requesting local office determine veracity, to include sources, of statement made by DRE leader, Jose LLanusa Gobel to effect Fidel Castro had threatened lives U.S. leaders in event U.S. aggression against Cuba.. Llanusa claimed possession this info in recent telecon with Paul Bethel, acting executive secretary, Citizen Committee for Free Cuba in Washington, and attributed above threats to Fidel Castro during reception early Sept. at Brazilian Embassy Hava.
2. Local FBI stated their attempts satisfy above RQM thwarted by Jose Llanusa who used series pretexes when contacted to avoid naming sources and ultimately stated he had to check matter out with WAVE before divulging info. Local FBI then called WAVE for assistance. WAVE checked with Llanusa and Luis Fernandez and determined Foll:
A. DRE sources for above info were articles which appeared Miami Herald and Voice of Cuba (informes Sobre Cuba) 9 and 13 Sept respectively. It later determined Voice of Cuba had taken its info from Miami Herald article.
B. DRE somewhat amateurishly attempted dodge local FBI query order protect fact their info stemmed from newspaper article.
3. WAVE passed info para 2A above to local FBI and it appeared satisfy their query.
4. DRE has been most active answering press queries Re: Oswald etc. due fact most news media have questioned DRE on their New Orleans TV debate with Oswald. Having obtained media attention DRE trying capitalize on this by making dramatic statements which imply tie-in between Oswald and GOC. WAVE has instructed DRE not dramatize facts or attempt slant news but DRE continues pursue course of action which in their judgement best suited propagandize U.S. re Cuban issue. Hope FBI query may inhibit future DRE spokesmen from making slanted or dramatic statements.”
This is a very interesting document. All references to the FBI are handwritten in over blacked out bits. The fact that the DRE re AM/SPELL is out of control is evident here. Remember John Newman’s presentation at A.S.K. ’94 where he showed a document that AM/SPELL had documents on Lee Harvey Oswald and was not sharing them with the FBI, Secret Service or the State Dept. because they wanted to hold a press conference? John showed this document again at MIT on October 1, 1995. This document is in a similar vein. Ray and Mary La Fontaine discuss the DRE in their book “Oswald Talked”.
Document # 104-10015-10095 is a one page letter to J.C. King. It may be from “John Scelso”. It is dated November 22, 1963 It is titled “Letter informing WH Division of transmittal of photos which where (sic. It is supposed to say were. These RIF’s can be such fun sometimes.) thought to be of Oswald.
It states, “Reference is made to our conversation of 22 November in which I requested permission to give the Legal Attache copies of photographs of a certain person who is known to you.” Well, what the hell is that supposed to mean? The rest of the document talks about the Legal Attache officer (Eldun Rudd) flying up to Dallas with the photos. It is signed by Win Scott.
Document # 104-10015-10098 is a one page dispatch from Mexico City COS to Chief, WH Division. It is dated 11/22/63. “Attached are the only photographs obtained from [LIEMPTY] on 1 October 1963, which appeared to be an American. The same man visited the Soviet Embassy on 4 October 1963.”
Copies were given to Ambassador Mann and FBI Chief Mexico City. It is signed Willard C. Curtis. Photographs dated October 15 were inserted after typing of the dispatch. These photos were later identified as not being Lee Harvey Oswald. There is a space in the document marked Dispatch symbol and number. HMMA-22533 was blacked out. Also, RYBAT was blacked out in other parts of the document.
Document # 104-10015-10099 is a small one page note, like a Post-it Note. It is a memorandum for SR division. The photographs of the man taken by [LIEMPTY] turned out to be not those of the Subject: Lee Oswald.” O/CWH/3 It is not signed or dated. There is then a poor quality xerox of the photo of the guy the CIA told the Warren Commission was Lee Harvey Oswald. It includes the background. Hand written below is 4 October 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10101 is a one page document from Mexico City (though it has a line crossing it out) to Director, CIA. It is a request for a priority pouch photo so that station can check all recent [LIEMPTY] coverage for identification.
Document # 104-10015-10102 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. I love this document. Check it out, “Complete recheck photos all visitors to Cuban Emb August thru first half Nov against good press photos shows no evidence Oswald visit. Similar blank against all Sovemb photos from 1 Sept.”
There is another odd statement, “Note only visit we know he made was Cuban Embassy 28 Sept, Saturday on which Emb closed and we have not had coverage.” How do they “know” he made a visit? What is this about not photographing the Emb on the weekends? Oswald did just about everything on a Saturday.
There is sizable deletion that is at least a line and a half long after the last line I quoted. It states, “IN FUTURE WILL REQUIRE AT LEAST HALF DAY PHOTO COVERAGE BOTH SOV AND CUBAN EMBASSIES.” Paragraph two is about a check of airlines. They request a check of border airports.
Document # 104-10015-10104 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It is dated 11/22/63. “Trust you will be able [to] use all your facilities to follow and report Soviet Embassy activity and reaction during these hours. Please cable full summaries.” This seems to originate with “Scelso”. He, “Scelso” signed off as the authenticating officer. There is a blacked out bit above C/WH/3. Yes, it’s “Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10105 is withheld, postponed in full. “Substitute language” tells us, “This document relates to a trade fair held in Mexico city and was included in the JFK collection solely because it was created on the day of the assassination. Its substance contributes nothing to the public knowledge of the assassination.”
Document # 104-10015-10106 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/22/63. This is a request for a photo of Lee H. Oswald to be pouched to Mexico City so that they can compare with photo coverage of Soviet Embassy. LIEMPTY was a redacted word.
All indications from the limited amount of documents I have seen seem to indicate that this request was not granted. I believe that the CIA took the position that the newspapers around the world would carry the accused assassin’s photograph so they didn’t bother. I also believe there is a bigger story here.
Document # 104-10015-10109 is a one page telegram. I believe it is from Ambassador Thomas Mann to “John Scelso”. It looks like “Scelso” signed this. The Mexican Foreign Minister ordered the border between U.S. and Mexico to be closed.
Document # 104-10015-10111 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City, dated 11/23/63. They say to Mexi that there is no need to send a staffer with photos as they have asked Navy for photos. Mexi can see Oswald’s pictures sooner on the press wire. There are three blacked out bits. I believe that all refer to “John Scelso”. Yes, they do.
Document # 104-10015-10115 is a one page cable from Director to Mexico City, dated 11/23/63. “FBI says that Photos of man entering Soviet Embassy which Mexi sent to Dallas were not of Lee Oswald. There are three blacked out bits similar to above referred to document. Two of which must refer to “Scelso” and the third is for whomever signed off for WH/COPS, who turns out to be William P. Hood.
Document 104-10015-10117 is a two page cable from CIA to FBI. It is dated 11/23/63. It originated with “Scelso”. “Information from a sensitive source in Mexico City reveals significant facts about the activities of a “North American”, who may be identical with Lee J. Oswald, (Notice the J.) who visited both the Soviet and Cuban Embassies in Mexico City on 28 September 1963.”
Lee J. Oswald?? J. -???
Another document testifying to Oswald being at BOTH the Soviet and Cuban Embassies. I can still hear John Newman pounding his foot into the stage at A.S.K.’94 to emphasize that. Remember, the “official” story is that the CIA didn’t know that Oswald was in the Cuban Consulate until after the assassination.
Document # 104-10015-10122 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/23/63. “Following persons flew Mexi to U.S. who might be identical with Lee Henry Oswald.” Notice the Henry.
A. Lee Martin. B. Wilford Oswalt C. William Oswald.
This is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10323 from “The Eighth Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10128 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/22/63. It is a request that HQS provide info and dates of Oswald’s activities and most recent stay thru 22 Nov. in U.S. RYBAT REDWOOD LCIMPROVE were words that were redacted.
Document # 104-10015-10132 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It is dated 11/25/63. It originates with “Scelso”. It is a request that the Mexican government check all their records since June 1962 to see if Oswald entered or left Mexico at any other time than 26 Sept to October 3, 1963. CIA does not know what if anything Oswald told his interrogators about travel to Mexico. They also want to know who traveled with him and what vehicle he used. CIA also wants to know what other possible tourist cards Oswald might have had. J. C. King signs off as the releasing officer C/WHD. “Scelso” probably signs off as the authenticating officer, C/WH/3 but it is, naturally blacked out. It is a duplicate of Document # 104-10015-10291 from “The Eighth Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10136 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/25/63. The Mexican newspaper “Excelsior” of 25 Nov. is now implying (it is running or has run its) own investigation (kind of like our own media) a story describing Oswald’s trip to Mexico 26 Sept. through October 3. The Mexi station is saying that this information is not our leak but might be from Gobernacion.
There is then a rather sneaky white redaction of one line of text. Sometimes they don’t use black ink, sometimes they use a piece of white paper to remove a line or word in the copying process. They then quote the Fidel Castro line of “promising to answer in kind”. Document # 104-10015-10139 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/25/63. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10295, from “The Eighth Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10141 is a duplicate of Document # 104-10015-10296 from “The Eighth Batch”. It is dated 11/25/63.
Document # 104-10015-10152 is a one page routing and record sheet. It is dated 11/26/63. It is from RID/AN to CI/LS. I have no idea what this refers to. People are reading some kind of Oswald file.
Document # 104-10015-10156 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It is dated 11/26/63. It contains some information on Alverado Ugarte. There are six blacked out bits. I am sure that three at least refer to “John Scelso”. The first redaction is from the originator who is B. E. Reichhardt. It went to Managua, as well as Mexico City. Managua was blacked out. William Hood signed for J.C. King. The other signature is “Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10161 is a two page cable, dated 11/26/63. It concerns an intercepted telephone conversation between Cuban President Dorticos and Joaquin Hernandez Armas. It is a summation of the call. It originated with Reichhardt. “Scelso” signs for Helms and himself.
Document # 104-10015-10162 is a three page cable, dated 11/27/63. These are suggestions of Ambassador Thomas Mann, shared by “Scelso” and the FBI resident officer. Paragraph 1 begins, “THIS MESSAGE REPRESENTS COMBINED SUGGESTIONS OF MYSELF, [CIA STATION CHIEF] AND FBI RESIDENT AGENT. CIA station chief was blacked out. They are still concerned about Alverado Ugarte. They want Silvia Duran rearrested. “Confront Silvia Duran again with Nicaraguan and have Nicaraguan inform her of details of his statement to U.S., who know full story and hence she in same position as Oswald prior to his assassination: her only chance for survival is to come clean with whole story and to cooperate completely with Mexican government in return for Mexican government protection.”
They suggest going all out to break Silvia Duran because they want corroboration of Ugarte’s story. They feel that since Dorticos concentrated on the money angle of Ugarte’s story that that was some kind of corroboration. They justify her rearrest as a safeguard of her possibly disappearing or being killed by others. I have three copies of the last page for some reason.
On October 5, 1995 the ARRB voted to release 71 CIA and FBI documents. The Board voted to release 61 documents, 56 in full and 5 in part. The Board also voted to release 10 FBI documents (including duplicates) which relate to Jack Ruby’s shooting of Oswald and the Communist Party, U.S.A.’s reaction to the assassination. These FBI documents were originally voted by the Board on July 17 to be released in full. The FBI appealed that decision and the informant symbol numbers were withheld and may be released by October 2017. The FBI documents were not released at this time. See “The Sixth Release” for those FBI documents. These CIA documents whne released become “The Seventh Batch”.
The CIA Documents
1.) 104-10015-10016 2.) 104-10015-10041 3.) 104-10015-10042 4.) 104-10015-10044 5.) 104-10015-10051 6.) 104-10015-10053 7.) 104-10015-10054 8.) 104-10015-10062 9.) 104-10015-10073 10.) 104-10015-10076 11.) 104-10015-10079 12.) 104-10015-10094 13.) 104-10015-10103 14.) 104-10015-10108 15.) 104-10015-10112 16.) 104-10015-10113 17.) 104-10015-10137 18.) 104-10015-10140 19.) 104-10015-10145 20.) 104-10015-10146 21.) 104-10015-10166 22.) 104-10015-10167 23.) 104-10015-10169 24.) 104-10015-10170 25.) 104-10015-10172 26.) 104-10015-10175 27.) 104-10015-10179 28.) 104-10005-10180 29.) 104-10015-10182 30.) 104-10015-10183 31.) 104-10015-10184 32.) 104-10015-10185 33.) 104-10015-10186 34.) 104-10015-10187 35.) 104-10015-10189 36.) 104-10015-10190 37.) 104-10015-10191 38.) 104-10015-10193 39.) 104-10015-10194 40.) 104-10015-10195 41.) 104-10015-10198 42.) 104-10015-10199 43.) 104-10015-10200 44.) 104-10015-10201 45.) 104-10015-10203 46.) 104-10015-10204 47.) 104-10015-10205 48.) 104-10015-10206 49.) 104-10015-10208 50.) 104-10015-10209 51.) 104-10015-10210 52.) 104-10015-10211 53.) 104-10015-10232 54.) 104-10015-10235 55.) 104-10015-10239 56.) 104-10015-10241 57.) 104-10015-10242 58.) 104-10015-10244 59.) 104-10015-10245 60.) 104-10015-10247 61.) 104-10015-10249
The FBI documents
1.) 124-10006-10342 2.) 124-10035-10065 3.) 124-10070-10354 4.) 124-10108-10142 5.) 124-10119-10078 6.) 124-10170-10064 7.) 124-10184-10256 8.) 124-10232-10345 9.) 124-10243-10367 10.) 124-10244-10077