14 January, 2025 | Among the many enigmas in the saga of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Lee Harvey Oswald remains among the most enigmatic. The Warren Commission painted a portrait of a lone malcontent, but still could find no motive for his alleged actions. Some conspiracy books attempt to turn Oswald into a deep cover intelligence agent, always on assignment whether defecting to the Soviet Union or distributing pro-Castro pamphlets. Other authors ignore Oswald altogether.
In The Oswald Puzzle, experienced researchers Larry Hancock (Someone Would Have Talked, Tipping Point) and David Boylan square the circle. Taking the full measure of the same data the Warren Commission collected, they paint a contrarian picture of Oswald, a man that may surprise you. And then, using their expertise and the vast declassified records now available, they tell the story of how Oswald appeared on the radar of fervent anti-Castro activists in New Orleans in 1963, and how he was then turned into their pawn.
Hancock and Boylan, in considerable detail, provide a scenario which reconciles Oswald’s actual history and character with the massive evidence of conspiracy in the assassination of President Kennedy. Has the puzzle of Lee Harvey Oswald finally been solved? Was Oswald a murderer or a patsy? The Oswald Puzzle provides new answers.
Editorial Reviews
Praise for Larry Hancock’s Work:
Larry Hancock’s stalwart and multi-year effort to unveil the truth about who was really behind JFK’s murder comes together remarkably in “Tipping Point.” I don’t know of another independent researcher that’s been able to put the many pieces together in such a cohesive and compelling way. – Dick Russell, author of “The Man Who Knew Too Much” and “On the Trail of the JFK Assassins.”
Larry Hancock’s new book, Tipping Point is a concise summary of his decades long investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy. I have been following Larry’s work since his landmark Someone Would Have Talked, which firmly puts to rest the often repeated and demonstrably false claim that if there was a conspiracy to kill the President someone would have talked. They talked all right, and Larry documents a dozen cases, each of which leads to the heart of the case. I pretty much see eye to eye with Larry Hancock, and while we are usually on the same page, Larry always seems to be ahead of me, so I know I will learn something new from anything he writes. – Bill Kelley, The JFKCountercoup Blog
Larry Hancock and I have worked on multiple projects over the years, back to the first edition of “Someone Would Have Talked” and “NEXUS.” I am delighted to see the culmination of three decades of deep research appear in “Tipping Point.” I’m proud of Larry’s fine work — his books are ones we look forward to — and learn from. – Debra Conway, JFK Lancer
Tipping Point is the culmination of the consistent and coherent; it is history as it should be written. Larry Hancock establishes concise a concise timelines which plots a path through the labyrinthine details that have been collected by a diverse array of researchers and investigators over the past several decades, presenting a detailed picture of the tactical elements of the attack in Dallas Texas on November 22 1963 – an attack which altered the future of the nation JFK had been elected to lead. – Chuck Ochelli, The Ochelli Effect
About the Authors
Larry Hancock brings his formal training in history and cultural anthropology to his research and writing on Cold War history and national security subjects. A graduate of the University of New Mexico, he earned his BA with honors, majoring in history, cultural anthropology and education. Following service in the United States Air Force, his pursued a career in technical education, computer/communications, and technology marketing.
Larry then returned to his long term interest in historical research. Known as a “document geek,” he researched and published several collections of CIA, FBI and military documents prior to beginning his writing efforts. His document work led to his becoming a board member of the Mary Ferrell Foundation, a major online interactive history archive.
With a dozen books in print, his works include an exploration of long term patterns in covert action and deniable warfare (“Shadow Warfare” and “In Denial”), the effectiveness of national command authority and command and control practices (“Surprise Attack“), and the political assassinations of the 1960’s (“Someone Would Have Talked”, “Killing King” and “The Awful Grace of God”) His most recent book is “Tipping Point / The Conspiracy That Murdered President John Kennedy.”
David Boylan is a former IT professional at Brown University. He has a rich background in research and analysis related to the JFK assassination. His work includes his co-authorship with Larry Hancock on The Wheaton Lead: An Exploration, The Red Bird Airfield Leads, and author of the monograph, A League of Their Own: A Look Inside the Christian Defense League. Boylan is a frequent presenter at the JFK Lancer conferences in Dallas and is a longtime researcher of the JFK assassination with focus on the documentary record.
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