The Following was posted to David Talbot’s Facebook homepage today, 10 June, 2024:

As a result of this shocking and heartbreaking ordeal, the Talbot family is asking for your help in two specific ways:
A GoFundMe has been set up to help cover David’s medical expenses and ongoing care. Up until this point, David had been supporting himself and Camille through one small stream of income from his writing, which he will not be able to return to anytime soon or possibly ever, given the severity of this stroke. Suddenly without income or long-term housing, we’re seeking some small relief for the Talbots as they navigate this trying time.
Secondly, specifically for those of you in the Bay Area, we’re looking for any leads on an apartment in San Francisco at a reduced rate. The apartment they were set to move into is no longer suitable for David and they are not able to stay in their previous house long-term, so if you know of an apartment in the city, if you own a vacant apartment, or if you know someone who might, your help here would be a godsend and resolve one incredibly pressing, time-sensitive burden.
It’s unclear if, or how much, David will recover at this time. This stroke was unfortunately much more severe than his previous one seven years ago. He currently struggles to form words, which, for a writer and speaker of David’s stature, has been incredibly hard for him and painful for all of us to see. But we feel confidently that, against great odds, he understands much of what we’re saying and that his beautiful spirit remains astonishingly intact. After 72 years of life, David was looking forward to beginning to slow down, to write less out of necessity for once, and to begin to write simply for pleasure. This event has thrown a wrench into that plan, but we hope that through his unrelenting will, and through the generous support of you all, that he’ll be able to recover to a point where he can indeed finally rest.
Fundraiser by Connie Matthiessen : Help David Talbot After A Severe Stroke (