31 minutes
James Lesar – The CIA and NARA Thwart Congress and the JFK Act
“Oliver Stone made his JFK movie and a tagline to that movie protesting the fact that the Warren Commission records were being withheld until the year 2039 caused a public uproar and the amendment of the Freedom of Information Act. The JFK Act, formally known as the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, was an extraordinary development in access to information. It was, by far, the most sweeping and liberal disclosure law ever passed.” Jim Lesar
James H. “Jim” Lesar, J.D.: A Freedom of Information Act attorney, Washington, D.C.; President, Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC), a nonprofit organization that obtains, preserves, and disseminates information on political assassinations, especially the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. On behalf of the AARC, he testified before three Congressional committees in support of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which was unanimously passed by Congress and signed into law. He has litigated over 200 FOIA cases in federal district and appellate courts setting several important precedents.
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