25 minutes (https://vimeo.com/123052400)
Eric Hamburg, J.D.: Eric Hamburg is a writer, attorney and film producer in Los Angeles. He is the director of the 2009 documentary film PREVENTING GENOCIDE, featuring interviews with Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu, William Perry and many others. After finishing law school, Eric Hamburg became an unusually effective young staffer on Capitol Hill – convincing his boss, Rep. Lee Hamilton of Indiana, to submit a bill that would release the House’s closely held files on the John F. Kennedy assassination investigation. He is also a former aide to Senator John Kerry, and was an adviser to the Kerry presidential campaign in 2004. He is co-author of the 2013 book, “Give Peace A Chance: Preventing Mass Violence.” His film credits include “ANY GIVEN SUNDAY,” “NIXON,” and a TV documentary on Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, which was shown in 1998 on TBS and on CNN Perspectives.
Mr. Hamburg is the author of the book “JFK, Nixon, Oliver Stone and Me: An Idealist’s Journey From Capitol Hill To Hollywood Hell,” published by Public Affairs Books in 2002. Mr. Hamburg is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Cruz and of the University Of San Francisco School Of Law. He holds a Juris Doctor (J.D.) degree and is a member of the California State Bar Association, the Writers Guild of America, and the Pacific Council on International Policy.

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