27 minutes (https://vimeo.com/123052882)
“Withheld in Full” focuses on crucial CIA, FBI, and military intelligence files that were withheld not only from the Warren Commission, but also from the Church Committee, the HSCA, and even the ARRB.
For his books “Legacy of Secrecy” (updated 2009) and “Ultimate Sacrifice” (updated 2006), Variety called Waldron “the ultimate JFK historian,” while the Chicago Tribune named him “one of the best investigative journalists in the United States” for his book “Watergate: The Hidden History–Nixon, the Mafia, and the CIA.” His most recent book, “The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination,” was cited by the Boston Globe, NBC News, the BBC, MSNBC, the New York Post, the Guardian, and UPI. His work was the subject of two Discovery Channel specials produced by NBC News, and he has also appeared numerous times on CNN, Fox News, and the History Channel.
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