The Eighth Batch
Released 12/20/95
by Joseph Backes
In February I received from Tom Jones and Debra Conway of The Assassination Chronicles most of what the ARRB released on December 5th.
This package did not include the HSCA documents that were released. I have spoken with Mr. David Lifton via email. He informed me that he was the one who copied these documents. I know that I copied everything for December at Archives II, yet the HSCA docs listed as part of this release were nowhere to be seen. I have not seen anything about these documents not being released.
I am in the process of writing a letter to the ARRB about documents they released not winding up at Archives II. I hope to have an answer for this soon.
It did include the opened pages from “The Lopez Report”. This is a sizable release. The Board met in a closed meeting on October 24, 1995. This was published in the Federal Register on Nov. 7, 1995. The ARRB issued a press release Nov. 6, 1995 on this.
I cannot really comment on the pages of “The Lopez Report” that the ARRB released as I do not have “The Lopez Report” as it was released by the JFK Act.
The FBI documents
1.) Document # 124-10005-10133 2.) Document # 124-10018-10362 3.) Document # 124-10018-10489 4.) Document # 124-10020-10093 5.) Document # 124-10027-10000 6.) Document # 124-10027-10021 7.) Document # 124-10027-10029 8.) Document # 124-10027-10032 9.) Document # 124-10027-10044 10.) Document # 124-10027-10059 11.) Document # 124-10027-10072 12.) Document # 124-10027-10144 13.) Document # 124-10027-10147 14.) Document # 124-10027-10375 15.) Document # 124-10027-10395 16.) Document # 124-10058-10367 17.) Document # 124-10079-10122 18.) Document # 124-10143-10067 19.) Document # 124-10145-10290 20.) Document # 124-10145-10295 21.) Document # 124-10151-10053 22.) Document # 124-10159-10393 23.) Document # 124-10170-10462 24.) Document # 124-10173-10250 25.) Document # 124-10178-10400 26.) Document # 124-10183-10144 27.) Document # 124-10228-10329 28.) Document # 124-10234-10272 29.) Document # 124-10239-10247 30.) Document # 124-10243-10082 31.) Document # 124-10245-10456 32.) Document # 124-10248-10316 33.) Document # 124-10264-10156 34.) Document # 124-10264-10160 35.) Document # 124-10272-10037
The FBI document review
Document # 124-10005-10133 is a one page teletype from the SAC in Buffalo to the Director and SAC, Chicago. Stanley Babula advised that his former neighbor, Carl Hanold, thought that someone should shoot the President, two years ago. This was when they both lived in Chicago.
A waste of paper.
Document # 124-10018-10362 is a four page cable from SAC, Miami to Director and SACS, Dallas and San Antonio. Ernest Aragon, U. S. Secret Service agent advised that about midnight Nov. 24-25 he received information from SS in San Antonio that a long distance telephone call had been placed by Jose San Antonio Cabaca in Mexico City to Dr. Emilio Nunez Portuondo in Miami. The conversation was in Spanish. The gist was “plan of Castro carried forth. Bobby is next. Soon the atomic bombs will rain and they will not know from where.”
Page two is missing. Page three informs that Portuondo was former Cuban delegate to the United Nations during the Batista regime. Page four is missing.
Document # 124-10018-10489 is a one page airtel to the Director from SAC, Buffalo. A follow up on Hanold. Useless.
Document # 124-10018-10490 is even more on Hanold. Two pages are the same. One is much clearer to read, the other is impossible to read. Useless.
Document # 124-10027-10000 is a three page cable from SAC, Mobile, Alabama to Director, SACS, Dallas, El Paso, Memphis, New Orleans, and New York. Father Maurice Ouellet is identified as a source for the Mobile office. He is the Pastor of St. Elizabeth’s Mission at Selma.
Mobile wants to draw to the Bureau’s attention the fact that Medgar Evers’ assassin was also an ex-marine and the type of rifle used is similar to one used by the alleged assassin of President Kennedy. Both suspects in above assassinations ex-marines and MO similar in the killings. “The Bureau and all offices might consider the possibility of [an] organization which blends itself to any situation for the further of agitation, which is known as quote Marxists unquote and its ultimate goal could be the assassination of individuals who are prominent or who might be engaged in any controversial movement.”
God that’s interesting. Sounds like what Oliver Stone referred to as “the Beast” in the Nixon screenplay.
Document # 124-10027-10021 is a one page cable from SAC Buffalo to Director and SAC Chicago. This is virtually the same as document. # 124-10005-10133.
Document # 124-10027-10029 is a one page cable from SAC Los Angeles to Director on Richard Anderson, aka, Jim Lowe who is associated with the American Nazi party. As with the Hanold documents this is the FBI coming up with possible suspects. Useless.
Document # 124-10027-10032 is a one page cable that identifies Barry Hoffman as a source within the Permanent Student Committee for Travel to Cuba. Gordon Hall the sponsor of Hoffman’s trip saw in a newspaper where authorities were looking for the roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald when Oswald lived in Greenwich Village, N.Y.C. According to Hoffman the description matches that of Philip Luce.
I remember reading an article someone did on Lee Harvey Oswald in Greenwich Village. There were three articles, “Steven H. Landesberg and the Greenwich Village Hoax” by Stan C. Weeber in The Fourth Decade Vol. 2 # 2 January, 1995 p. 14-18; Sheldon Inkel writes a letter to the editor commenting on the article and adding new information The Fourth Decade Vol. 2 # 3 p. 27; Jack White writes a similar letter to the editor on the Landesberg story in The Fourth Decade Vol. 2 # 4 May, 1995 p. 31.
Document # 124-10027-10044 is a two page teletype from SAC, Chicago to Director and SAC, Dallas. This document reports that Ebelia Echevarria has furnished information to the Chicago field office.
Document # 124-10027-10059 is listed as a five page report from SAC, Boston to Director, FBI. I only have two pages. I seem to be missing three pages from this. It seems to be titled “UNSUB: Approximately 30-Year Old Female American Tourist of Interest to KGB for Possible Recruitment.” They ref WFO letters to Director 10/25/63, 1/1, 13 and 18/63. Reference is also made to a report of SA Darrel B. Currie dated November 24, 1963 and airtel of the same date to the Director. This concerns an investigation of Priscilla Johnson. “On Nov 6, 1963 Miss Dorothy Pernal [I think the first letter in her last name is a P] Personnel Office, Little Hall, Harvard University, advised that her records failed to reflect the name of Priscilla Johnson as an employee of Harvard University.” A check with Miss Lucy Robinson, Corporation Office, Harvard University on the same day showed that Priscilla Johnson was not connected with Harvard as either a student or member of the faculty.
“On November 14, 1963 by means of a pretext telephone call to the Brattle Inn, 48 Brattle Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, SA Currie learned that Johnson was residing at the Inn and “doing some work at Harvard” [quotations in original].
“On November 19, 1963, Merle Fainsod, Proffesor of Government and Director of the Russian Research Center at Harvard university, an established source, stated that Priscilla Johnson has been provided office space at the Russian Research Center, 16 Dunster Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts, but has no official connection with the Center. Fainsod said the research center has been made available to her in connection with literary work she has in mind. He said he had no idea how long she would remain at the center and said he could provide no other background or biographical background on her.”
Now I found this amazing and probably impausible, “With reference to the case entitled “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas, Assaulting a Federal Officer” Miss Priscilla Johnson was interviewed at the Brattle Inn, Cambridge, Massachusetts from 11:30 am November 23, 1963 to 1:30 am November 24, 1963 by SA’s Darrel B. Currie and James T. Sullivan. of the Boston office.”
This woman was interviewed for 26 solid hours straight!!??? BULLSHIT! This can’t be right.
“The purpose of the interview of Priscilla Johnson was to obtain information regarding Lee Harvey Oswald. Incidental thereto and without indicating possible Bureau interest in her as a suspect in the captioned case, she was advised that inasmuch as she is a potential witness, that biographical and background data on her would be desirable…” She did supply some background on herself. However the rest of what should be 5 pages is missing. It is interesting that the information she provided on herself is the part of the report that is missing, is it not?
The Bureau considered Priscilla Johnson a suspect in the assassiantion of President Kennedy? That is what the document says. Amazing.
Document # 124-10027-10072 is a three page cable from SAC, Cincinnati to the Director and SAC’s Dallas, New York, and Cleveland. It is identical to several documents released in “The Fourth Batch”, like Document #124-10006-10342. The text is virtually identical. So add another duplicate. 6 documents in the 11 released on October 19, 1995, which I call “The Fourth Batch”, are all copies of the same document.
1.) Document # 124-10006-10342 2.) Document # 124-10035-10065 3.) Document # 124-10170-10064 4.) Document # 124-10232-10345 5.) Document # 124-10243-10367 6.) Document # 124-10244-10077
Now we have a seventh.
Document # 124-10027-10144 is interesting in several respects. First, several postponements due to the Board’s decision to protect informant symbol numbers do not give a date of next review on the formal determination notice form, postponement 1, 4, and 6. The document itself is a 2 page airtel from SAC, Cin to the Director and SACS Dallas, New York, Cleveland and Pittsburgh.
It says enclosed are 8 copies for the Bureau and two each for the various SACS of an LHM covering visits of Arnold Johnson to the Ohio Valley area. The SACS will be given copies of the informants reports. Documents that refer to other documents are always useful. It also refers to a future meeting that FBI personnel will have in regards to their informants.
Document #124-10027-10147 is a duplicate of document # 124-10184-10256 released on October 19, 1995, except it doesn’t include the airtel and the duplication of page one of the letter dated December 16, 1963.
Document # 124-10027-10375 is a two page cable from SAC Los Angeles, to the Director and SACS Dallas and Mobile. It is a report on Richard Anderson, aka Jim Lowe. It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10029.
Document # 124-10027-10395 is said to be a 9 page report. I have only two, they are the first page of the report and page three.
It is from W. A. Branigan to W. C. Sullivan.
A check with the Identification Division of the Marine Corps showed he had no criminal arrests. Wouldn’t his court martial arrest for throwing a drink in that sergeants face show up here? Further commentary on this document would be incomplete without the other pages.
Document # 124-10058-10367 is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10032. Document #124-1–58-10367 has two pages, however, they just repeat the same page so it is really only one page.
Document # 124-10079-10122 is a four page document, that like the above document repeats pages. So, it is really only a two page document. Worse than that page one is a duplicate of document # 124-10018-10490, page two is a duplicate of document # 124-10018-10489.
Document # 124-10143-10067 is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10000. They repeat the document so you get two copies of the same report.
Document #124-10145-10290 is a two page report. Page one is a duplicate of document #124-10018-10490, page two is a duplicate of document # 124-10018-10489.
Document # 124-10145-10295 is a one page airtel, a duplicate of Document # 124-10005-10133.
Document # 124-1051-10053 is a four page document, duplicating a two page report. This regards an investigation pursuant to information furnished by a Secret Service source on Homer Echevarria. The source is named Jesus Martinez. Not much here.
Document #124-10159-10393 is an eight page report from SAC Miami to the Director and SACS Dallas and San Antonio. It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10018-10362. As with Document # 124-10018-10362 page two and four of the report are missing.
Document # 124-10170-10462 is a 5 page report. PAGE 1-3 are a duplicate of document # 124-10027-10147. Page 4-5 are a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10144.
Document # 124-10173-10250 is a two page teletype that is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10032. There appears to be a problem in that the RIF said two pages. Are they including the RIF itself? Sometimes they have done that.
Document # 124-10173-10250 is a two page report. Page two is missing. Page one is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10032.
Document # 124-10178-10125 is a four page document. Page 1-3 are exactly the same and duplicate document # 124-10027-10029. The fourth page is new. It is a teletype from SAC Los Angeles to Bureau, SACS Dallas and Mobile. It is on Richard Anderson. It gives an address and a physical description.
Document # 124-10178-10400 is supposed to be 11 pages it is only two. It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10018-10362. Pages 2, 4 and whatever else there was supposed to be to make eleven pages are missing.
Document # 124-10183-10144 is a three page report . It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10000.
Document# 124-10183-10170 is a one page document. It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10032.
Document # 124-10228-10329 is a two page report. Page one is a duplicate of Document # 124-10018-10490. Page two is a duplicate of document # 124-10018-10489.
Document # 124-10234-10272 is a six page report because it duplicates a three page report on Father Maurice Ouellet. It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10027-10032.
Document # 124-10239-10247 is a two page report. It is a duplicate of document # 124-10005-10133.
Document # 124-10243-10082 is a four page report duplicating a two page report. It is a duplicate of document # 124-10027-10032.
Document # 124-10245-10456 is a three page report on Ouellet. It is a duplicate of document # 124-10027-10000.
Document # 124-10248-10316 is a two page report. It is a duplicate of document # 124-10018-10362.
Document #124-10264-10156 is a 12 page report. It is 4 copies of the report on Father Ouellet. It is a duplicate of document # 124-10027-10000.
Document # 124-10264-10160 is a one page report on Richard Anderson. It is a duplicate of document # 124-10027-10029.
Document # 124-10272-10037 is a two page report. It is a duplicate of Document # 124-10018-10362.
The CIA Documents
1.) Document # 104-10015-10002 2.) Document # 104-10015-10004 3.) Document # 104-10015-10007 4.) Document # 104-10015-10018 5.) Document # 104-10015-10028 6.) Document # 104-10015-10029 7.) Document # 104-10015-10045 8.) Document # 104-10015-10064 9.) Document # 104-10015-10065 10.) Document # 104-10015-10083 11.) Document # 104-10015-10085 12.) Document # 104-10015-10107 13.) Document # 104-10015-10116 14.) Document # 104-10015-10123 15.) Document # 104-10015-10124 16.) Document # 104-10015-10130 17.) Document # 104-10015-10168 18.) Document # 104-10015-10202 19.) Document # 104-10015-10207 20.) Document # 104-10015-10217 21.) Document # 104-10015-10218 22.) Document # 104-10015-10219 23.) Document # 104-10015-10221 24.) Document # 104-10015-10222 25.) Document # 104-10015-10224 26.) Document # 104-10015-10229 27.) Document # 104-10015-10231 28.) Document # 104-10015-10236 29.) Document # 104-10015-10246 30.) Document # 104-10015-10251 31.) Document # 104-10015-10252 32.) Document # 104-10015-10253 33.) Document # 104-10015-10254 34.) Document # 104-10015-10256 35.) Document # 104-10015-10257 36.) Document # 104-10015-10260 37.) Document # 104-10015-10262 38.) Document # 104-10015-10265 39.) Document # 104-10015-10266 40.) Document # 104-10015-10267 41.) Document # 104-10015-10268 42.) Document # 104-10015-10270 43.) Document # 104-10015-10271 44.) Document # 104-10015-10272 45.) Document # 104-10015-10273 46.) Document # 104-10015-10274 47.) Document # 104-10015-10275 48.) Document # 104-10015-10276 49.) Document # 104-10015-10277 50.) Document # 104-10015-10278 51.) Document # 104-10015-10283 52.) Document # 104-10015-10284 53.) Document # 104-10015-10285 54.) Document # 104-10015-10286 55.) Document # 104-10015-10287 57.) Document # 104-10015-10288 58.) Document # 104-10015-10289 59.) Document # 104-10015-10290 60.) Document # 104-10015-10291 61.) Document # 104-10015-10292 62.) Document # 104-10015-10293 63.) Document # 104-10015-10294 64.) Document # 104-10015-10295 65.) Document # 104-10015-10296 66.) Document # 104-10015-10297 67.) Document # 104-10015-10299 68.) Document # 104-10015-10301 69.) Document # 104-10015-10306 70.) Document # 104-10015-10307 71.) Document # 104-10015-10308 72.) Document # 104-10015-10309 73.) Document # 104-10015-10310 74.) Document # 104-10015-10312 75.) Document # 104-10015-10313 76.) Document # 104-10015-10315 77.) Document # 104-10015-10317 78.) Document # 104-10015-10318 79.) Document # 104-10015-10319 80.) Document # 104-10015-10320 81.) Document # 104-10015-10322 82.) Document # 104-10015-10323 83.) Document # 104-10015-10324 84.) Document # 104-10015-10325 85.) Document # 104-10015-10326 86.) Document # 104-10015-10327 87.) Document # 104-10015-10328 88.) Document # 104-10015-10329 89.) Document # 104-10015-10332 90.) Document # 104-10015-10333 91.) Document # 104-10015-10334 92.) Document # 104-10015-10335 93.) Document # 104-10015-10336 94.) Document # 104-10015-10337 95.) Document # 104-10015-10338 96.) Document # 104-10015-10340 97.) Document # 104-10015-10341 98.) Document # 104-10015-10347 99.) Document # 104-10015-10349 100.) Document # 104-10015-10351 101.) Document # 104-10015-10352 102.) Document # 104-10015-10354 103.) Document # 104-10015-10355 104.) Document # 104-10015-10357 105.) Document # 104-10015-10361 106.) Document # 104-10015-10363 107.) Document # 104-10015-10366 108.) Document # 104-10015-10367 109.) Document # 104-10015-10368 110.) Document # 104-10015-10369 111.) Document # 104-10015-10370 112.) Document # 104-10015-10371 113.) Document # 104-10015-10391 114.) Document # 104-10015-10393 115.) Document # 104-10015-10406 116.) Document # 104-10015-10407 117.) Document # 104-10015-10409 118.) Document # 104-10015-10419 119.) Document # 104-10015-10426 120.) Document # 104-10015-10427 121.) Document # 104-10015-10429 122.) Document # 104-10015-10430 123.) Document # 104-10015-10434 124.) Document # 104-10015-10437 125.) Document # 104-10015-10438 126.) Document # 104-10015-10439 127.) Document # 104-10015-10440 128.) Document # 104-10015-10441 129.) Document # 104-10015-10442 130.) Document # 104-10015-10443 131.) Document # 104-10015-10445 132.) Document # 104-10015-10446 133.) Document # 104-10015-10447 134.) Document # 104-10015-10449 135.) Document # 104-10016-10002 136.) Document # 104-10016-10003 137.) Document # 104-10016-10004 138.) Document # 104-10016-10008 139.) Document # 104-10016-10009 140.) Document # 104-10016-10010 141.) Document # 104-10016-10018 142.) Document # 104-10016-10028 143.) Document # 104-10016-10029 144.) Document # 104-10016-10031 145.) Document # 104-10016-10038 146.) Document # 104-10016-10039 147.) Document # 104-10016-10041 148.) Document # 104-10016-10043 149.) Document # 104-10016-10046 150.) Document # 104-10016-10049 151.) Document # 104-10017-10015 152.) Document # 104-10017-10016 153.) Document # 104-10017-10020 154.) Document # 104-10017-10026 155.) Document # 104-10017-10028 156.) Document # 104-10017-10029 157.) Document # 104-10017-10030 158.) Document # 104-10017-10032 159.) Document # 104-10017-10054 160.) Document # 104-10017-10059 161.) Document # 104-10017-10060 162.) Document # 104-10017-10064 163.) Document # 104-10017-10066 164.) Document # 104-10017-10067 165.) Document # 104-10017-10070 166.) Document # 104-10017-10071 167.) Document # 104-10017-10083 168.) Document # 104-10017-10085 169.) Document # 104-10018-10011 170.) Document # 104-10018-10013 171.) Document # 104-10018-10039 172.) Document # 104-10018-10043 173.) Document # 104-10018-10044 174.) Document # 104-10018-10047 175.) Document # 104-10018-10053 176.) Document # 104-10018-10054 177.) Document # 104-10018-10057 178.) Document # 104-10018-10058 179.) Document # 104-10018-10066 180.) Document # 104-10018-10067 181.) Document # 104-10018-10068 182.) Document # 104-10018-10069 183.) Document # 104-10018-10078 184.) Document # 104-10018-10079 185.) Document # 104-10018-10081 186.) Document # 104-10018-10085 187.) Document # 104-10018-10086 188.) Document # 104-10018-10097 189.) Document # 104-10018-10098 190.) Document # 104-10018-10100 191.) Document # 104-10018-10101 192.) Document # 104-10018-10102 193.) Document # 104-10018-10105 194.) Document # 104-10018-10107 195.) Document # 104-10018-10109 196.) Document # 104-10018-10110 197.) Document # 104-10052-10087 198.) Document # 104-10062-10002
The CIA document review
Document # 104-10015-10002 is a one page document. It is a request from Ann Egerter, CI/SIG to Headquarters, RI to see the 201 personality file on Lee Harvey Oswald. It is largely duplicated on p. 463 of John Newman’s Oswald and the CIA. There is some extra information here, however. There seems to be something attached so that it would xerox onto the bottom of the form. It is not part of the 201 file request form. It states “CITIZENSHIP & PASSPORTS-“, then under that, “OSWALD, Lee Harvey” and Harvey is underlined, then under that, “Dept. of State Instruction A-173, Apr 13, 1961;”, then under that, “Embassy’s D-806, May 26, 1961, same subject.”, then under that, “Pls order for D. Lynch, SR/CI/P, 1044AJ (mail address).
Document # 104-10015-10004 is a two page document. It is from CIRA/RS to IP/AN, IP/EDI, and IP/FI. It is titled “Undated copies of transcripts, handwritten memoranda and notes and other miscellaneous items pertaining to Oswald previously held by the LA division in Project Oswald”.
Sounds intriguing doesn’t it? “Project Oswald”? Now what could that be?
One page is a routing and record sheet which the RIF, basically, completely describes. The second page is information on Synder and McVickar. It says, “McVickar, John Anthony, Appointed 28 June 1959 as Second Secretary and Consul at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow date of departure unknown but was in Washington (presumably after home leave) on October 1, 1961. He was promoted on 18 March 1960 to FSO/class 4, but this did not alter his duties in Moscow.” Interesting, apparently he had duties separate from being a Foreign Service Officer, which is what I believe FSO stand for.
Synder is described as, “Appointed 28 June 1959 as Second Secretary and Consul at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow (the same date and rank as McVickar). Synder was promoted to FSO/4 in 1958, therefore outranked McVickar. Date of departure from the U.S.S.R. not known, but he was in a new foreign post (presumably after home leave, and possibly time in Wash) on 3 Sept. 1961.”
There is another paragraph that states, “The last reference in the Oswald material to Synder was on 10 July 1961, after which McVickar signed letters to Oswald. The last reference to McVickar was 24 July 1961 at which time he signed a letter to Oswald.”
Document # 104-10015-10007 is a 21 page edited text of the Dorticos-Armas conversation. This was sent to “Scelso”. Dorticos is Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, President of Cuba. Armas is Joaquin Hernandez Armas, Cuban Ambassador to Cuba. About half of the text is spent with the two yelling at each other, “Can you hear me?” . Finally, they talk about the arrest of Silvia Duran.
Dorticos, “Is it true that some blackmail boys, which you mention in your confidential report here, from the federal police of that country attempted to force Silvia Duran to say, with promises of leniency, that we had offered money to ‘the American’.” Armas responds no, nothing about money.
But don’t you just love how President Dorticos describes who and what he is talking about?
There are definitely pages missing here, not so much by the document and RIF. I believe they are correct. However, there are two systems of numbering the pages. Centered on the bottom of the first page is the number 32. This page seems to be a combination of two pages. A symbol list is given so we know who is talking, and below that is a rather small CIA official routing slip about the size of today’s “post-it-notes”. To the right is the number 10 and below that is the number 201-289248 which is Lee Harvey Oswald’s 201 number. So we get pages 10-30 by that system and pages 32-52 the other way. What might have come before and after is unknown.
Page 19 of the 21 ( aka page 50 or page 28) is nearly impossible to read. This is not a conversation between Dorticos and Armas. It is between HF and Luisia, whoever they are, they are not listed in the symbol key. There is the number 2 in the upper left hand side, and a number 3 on the upper left of the last two pages. These last three pages concern this HF-Luisia conversation.
Document 104-10015-10018 is a two page report. It is a letter from the Deputy Director for Plans to the Director of the FBI. This was also directed to the attention of Mr. Papich. This concerns Ramon Cortez and the Transcontinental Corp. There were many documents that relate to this in the 39 documents released in September; Document #104-10015-10013, Document # 104-10015-10015, and Document #104-10015-10019.
The letter gives information about Cortez. The second page refers to Project AM/CONCERT, which is apparently what this is about. Cortez is described as a personal friend of Che Guevara. Cortez according to the letter, makes trips to the United States and Canada to buy pieces of tanks and other materials as if they were for Mexico. The goods are shipped to the Transcontinental Corp in Mexico City and then onto Cuba.
Document # 104-10015-10028 is a one page handwritten note. It is dated July 11, 1967. It looks like it might be a note to Anne Egerter. It is to an “Anne.”
Document # 104-10015-10029 is another one page handwritten document. It is from CI/RA/E. It is signed Jean M (something, I can’t make it out.) It states, “This document is evidently the request for the chronology attached-per the note in the blue ball point by “RBR” and the notation in red on the 5 + 7 on top which states work began at 1030 hours, 4 Aug ’67. Note it is not the transmittal document as the dates is July ’67 and the chronology goes to Feb ’68.” It is dated September 22, 1975.
Document # 104-10015-10083 is a one page report from the JM/WAVE station to the Director, “No WAVE traces Jack Ruby alias Abe Rubenstein who identified by newsmedia as murderer of Lee Oswald.” There is a signature at the top right. It looks like J. Moughan which might be the signature in the above described document.
Document # 104-10015-10085 is a two page report from JM/WAVE to Director. The RIF title for the document is, “Miami Cuban exile community has started its adjustment to realities of world politics in aftermath of Pres. Kennedy’s death. The rest of the report is almost entirely illegible.
It mentions a Manuel Rodriguez of 5319 Columbia, Dallas, Texas.
Document # 104-10015-10045 is a one page routing and record sheet. It is from RID/AN to CI/LS, CI/OPS, CI/IC, SR/CI, Mr. Scelso, Annette(?), SR/CI/K/TR, and 2BO3 Annette. It is dated 9/10/63.
Document #104-10015-10064 is a one page report from Director to Mexico City. CIA wants to know if Lee Oswald wanted to fly to Cuba right away, or have his wife join him there in Mexico and then leave for Cuba, or did he plan to return to the States first and then leave for Cuba later. CIA speculates that Oswald wanted to make a quick escape after assassinating the President. Mr. Scelso’s “name” appears over that of “by authority of Thomas H. Karamessines ADDP”. This reminded me of Document # 104-10004-10199, from “The Third Batch” where it stated “The report also states that information on U.S. citizens trying to contact Soviet bloc embassies is always passed onto the Deputy Director for Plans, or his assistant and permission must be obtained to pass such information onto other government agencies. Only in absolute emergencies is the Mexico City Station authorized to pass such information directly to the FBI offices in the U. S. Embassy.”
Now if “Mr. Scelso” can do things under the authority of the Assistant Deputy Director for Plans, and “Mr. Scelso” is a pseudonym, then that is very interesting.
At a small conference in Boston, Massachusetts at MIT October 1, 1995 John Newman said in response to a question about whether he feels Oswald did it alone or was it a CIA operation, ” First of all I don’t have a definitive answer to your question… An institutional plot, and by that I mean a board meeting, the head people of the CIA sitting down and saying let’s whack Kennedy and set Oswald up as the patsy, I think that’s out the window now. Why in the hell would they plan to kill Kennedy and use one of their own people and write cables to the FBI, Navy, and the State Department and sign their names on the bottom of them? That would draw attention to themselves. So, I think that that idea, in other words the extent to which Oswald is being used and involved in all of these low level CIA operations is in a sense exculpatory in terms of the “institutional plot” theory. However, the type of information that I have shown you tonight I think is entirely consistent with the theory, and I say just that, a theory, that a renegade faction or a bad apple, or two or three set up Oswald. He was the perfect patsy by virtue of all of the sensitive offices that held files on him and the type of operations that he was becoming involved in.”
Needless to say I disagree. So, by the way, did Dan Alcorn and Jim Lesar afterwards at a local Chinese restaurant. The CIA did lie to the FBI, Navy and State Dept. with the October 10, 1963 cable, and did sign their names, and in many cases false names, to the bottom of documents as part of some as yet unknown and undefined deception story that involved Lee Harvey Oswald. This was the whole gist of John’s presentation. Whether this deception story was part of a, or the conspiracy to kill President Kennedy is unknown at this time and should not be ruled out. It certainly should not be ruled out until all of the data is in. I was struck by John’s argument against the “institutional plot” theory when he said why would they use one of their own guys? Is this Mr. Newman confirming that Oswald was a CIA man of some type?
I think John Newman should take another look at the Mr. “Scelso” question in regards to this deception story and what kind of names are being signed on these dcouments whatever the ramifications of the deception story might be.
Document # 104-10015-10065 is a one page document from Director to Mexico City. It is a cable concerning tracing the license numbers of cars issued to Carol J. Soles, Richard J, Aranda, and Harry Lee Saffe. It is dated November 24, 1963. Mr. “Scelso” appears over the typed name of Mr. Karamissenes. “Scelso” is also the authenticating officer. CIA is awaiting information from ODENVY on other plates mentioned in Mexi 7030 and 7043. Mexi 7030 is Document # 104-10015-10092 from “The Third Batch”.
Document # 104-10015-10107 is a one page document from CIA to Mexico City. The Mexico City station is reporting that it has photos of the same unidentified American type who is possibly Oswald entering Cuban Embassy on October 15. This cannot be Oswald as he supposedly left Mexico City on October 3. Lee has a room at the Dallas YMCA on October 3, 1963. (See WC Vol. 20 p. 197 Hullen Exhibit 12.) Oswald is hired by the TSBD on October 16. The document also states it is attempting to establish when Oswald entered and left Mexico. They also requested a photo of Oswald so that the station can check all recent coverage for identity.
Document # 104-10015-10116 is a one page document from CIA to Mexico City. It says it is from Curtis to Lloyd K. Desmond. CIA requests verbatim transcript in English of all Oswald intercepts and other take which could relate to him. They want it all without worrying about how long it is. “Feel free to abandon cablese and reliance on references and express and explain yourself fully.”
The document also mentions that Jose Rodriguez Molina is not involved in assassination and has been released.
“Scelso” appears in the upper right next to orig.
Document # 104-10015-10123 is a one page cable from CIA to Mexico City. An FBI agent, Eldon Rudd (See James P. Hosty “Assignment Oswald” (Arcade Publishing: New York) 1996 p. 36) left with two copies each of 6 photos of the person suspected of being Oswald on special flight for Dallas. The document itself does not state Rudd’s name or even mention the FBI. There are 4 postponements in the document, 1.) ODENVY, 2.) GALBOND, 3.) Curtis, 4.) PBRUMEN. However, these aliases are to be re-reviewed in December. “He carrying envelope with 1 copy each photo for airmail special from Dallas to Galbond at home as per telecon with Curtis. 1 copy each these photos plus copy each two photos showing same person exiting PBRUMEN embassy forwarded in HMMA 22533 leaving regular pouch tonight.” They then ask if HQ wants them to send a staffer with additional photo. The answer is yes.
Document # 104-10015-10124 is another one page cable. It is from Mexico City to CIA director. It is dated November 23, 1963. Some of the text from the Sept 28 intercept is given. They believe that the unidentified person is Oswald but the tape is reported erased prior to receipt of the second call. This was sent to “Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10130 is 7 pages. It is from the Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms to the Director of the FBI, Mr. Hoover, attn: Mr. Papich. This is the transcripts of the Sept. 28 and Oct. 1 intercepts. In the second paragraph of the cover letter to Hoover they state that the person who identified himself as Lee Oswald is the same in both calls. Forwarded as attachment B are transcripts of three phone calls, Sept 27, Oct. 1 and Oct. 3. CIA believe that Oswald went to the Soviet Embassy to try to get a visa to go to Russia and live, and that failing that he went to the Cuban Embassy to try to get a transit visa so he could go to Cuba and wait for the granting of the Soviet visa. The CIA says that Silvia Duran agrees with this conclusion.
Document # 104-10015-10168 is a one page cable dated November 29, 1963. It is probably from Mexico City to CIA. It says it is from COS and to Immediae DIR, then RYBAT GPFLOOR. It deals with Alvarado.
Document # 104-10015-10202 is a one page cable to Curtis from Knight. CIA wants Mexican authorities to arrest Silvia Duran and question her.
Questions may be provided to Mexican authorities but but no Americans should confront Silvia Duran or be in contact with her.
Document # 104-10015-10207 has two pages. One is a record and routing sheet. The second is a cable containing biographic and background information on Gilberto Alverado Ugarte.
Document # 104-10015-10217 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City station. Someone feels that “Erthyroid 3” should go to Mexico even though Alvarado may be in Mexican hands. “Scelso” appears over where a signature should go above “by the authority of Richard Helms”.
Document # 104-10015-10218 is a one page cable from CIA to the White House: ATTN: Mr. McGeorge Bundy, the FBI and Dept. of State attn: Mr. U. Alexis Johnson. This cable reports on the reactions of Cuban Embassy personnel to Silvia Duran’s arrest. “John Scelso” appears twice in the document.
Document # 104-10015-10219 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City requesting information on interrogations of Duran and Alverado. J. C. King is the releasing officer. “John Scelso” appears at upper right next to orig.
Document # 104-10015-10221 is a three page cable from the CIA to the White House, State and the FBI. This is in regard to anonymous calls made to the office of the U.S. Naval Attache in Camberaar, Australia by a man who claims to have had knowledge about a Soviet plot to kill President Kennedy. This also originates with “Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10222 is a one page cable from the Director, CIA to Mexico City. CIA is whining that time is of the essence in reporting what the Mexicans are learning from Alvarado and Duran. This too originates from “John Scelso” C/WH/3. R. W. Herbet signs off for J.C. King as the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10224 is a one page cable. Again, “John Scelso” appears at upper right. This cable went to White House, State, and FBI. Silvia Duran, who was rearrested was released on November 28, 1963. She will remain under close surveillance. “Scelso” also appears over space where a signature should be for Helms.
Document # 104-10015-10228 is a one page cable form CIA and was sent to the White House, State Dept, and FBI. First sketchy report on Alverado interrogation is that he is telling the same story. One difference is he did not recognize Silvia Duran when he did to CIA personnel. Mexican official doubts Alverado’s story and will begin work to “break” him. “Scelso” appears twice, once upper right at orig. and above “by authority of Richard Helms”.
Document # 104-10015-10229 is a 12 page cable from CIA to the White House, State Dept. and the FBI. It is a translation of a report by the Mexican police on interrogation of Silvia Duran, her husband Horacio Duran and others. “Scelso” appears twice on p. 12 over the releasing officer, J.C. King and J. M. Whit- (something). It appears to have originated from B. Reichardt in WH/3/Mexico.
Document # 104-10015-10231 is a two page cable. This is a wild one. This originates from “John Scelso” C/WH/3. It is dated November 29, 1963. It went to the White House, State Dept. and the FBI. A report alleging that there was advance knowledge on the assassination of President Kennedy. On November 4 1963 a U.S. Army PFC. Eugene B. Dinkin, went AWOL from his unit HQ Co. U.S. Army general depot, Metz, France. He was scheduled for a psychiatric examination that same day. He apparently entered Switzerland using a false Army identification card with forged travel orders. On November 6 and 7, 1963 he appeared in the press room of the United Nations office in Geneva and told reporters he was being persecuted. He voluntarily returned to his unit on November 11, 1963.
On November 26, 1963 a Geneva journalist named Alex Des Fontaines who was a stringer for TIME-LIFE and was a correspondent for Radio Canada was reported to be filing a story about Dinkin’s story. Dinkin said that “they” were plotting against Kennedy and that “something” would happen in Texas. The last paragraph of the cable is interesting, “All aspects of this story were known, as reported above, by U. S. Military authorities and have been reported by Military attache cable through Military channels.”
Well, what are we to make of this?
Document # 104-10015-10236 is a one page memorandun for record from Birch D. O’Neal, C/CI/SIG to “Scelso”. It is about a discussion with Papich of the FBI on the interrogation of Alverado. Apparently “Mr. Scelso” has the telephone extension 5613.
Document # 104-10015-10246. It is a one page document. I have never seen a document quite like this one. It is part of, what I beleive are several pages of something cataloging telephone conversations and summarizing the content of those phone conversations. In other words, this one page does not look like page one. I think it is a phone conversation between Rafael Lozano and Dudley Doust.
Document # 104-10015-10251 is a one page cable from CIA to Mexico City. It is very similar to Document # 104-10015-10176 from “The Third Batch” which is a cable from CIA to presumably the Mexico City station. It requests that double agents not initiate discussion on the assassination but to be alert and report any comments on the assassination. Document # 104-10015-10251 tells the stations double agents that they cannot direct pointed questions to C/O’s but should be alert to and reprot any comments on the assassination. They should not make any reference to Oswald, Duran or Alverado et. al. or to investigative matters beng taken. “Scelso” signs off as releasing officer for Helms.
Document # 104-10015-10252 is a one page cable from CIA to Mexico City. “HQS has received report on day of President’s Kennedy’s assassination Cubana aircraft delayed its departure Mexico City five hours 1700 to 2200 awaiting important passenger who arrived Mexico City airport in private twin motor aircraft at 2130 hours Mexi time. Passenger transfered directly to Cubana plane without going through customs or immigration. Traveled in pilots cabin to Havana. Request you attempt identify and determine reason unusual actions at airport.”
“Scelso” signs off as the releasing officer for J.C. King. Desmond Fitzgerald C/SAS signs off as the authenticating officer.
Document # 104-10015-10253 is a one page cable from CIA to White House, Dept. of State, and the FBI. Alverado admited in writing that his whole story was false. It originates with “John Scelso” C/WH/3. “Scelso” appears as the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10254 is a one pagge cablefrom Director to (?). “Scelso” originates again. CIA wants to know how confession was obtained by LIETEMPO from Alverado. I love it, they actually ask, “Was Alverado mistreated? Much?” Another interesting piece is paragraph 4, “The question of whether Oswald acted solely on his own has still not been finally resolved.” This is on November 30, 1963. “Scelso” appears as the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10256 is a one page cable from Mexico City to CIA. Tapes of conversations of Cuban ambassador pouched on November 29 by RYBAT. This was shown to “Mr. Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10257 is a two page cable from Mexico City to CIA dated November 30, 1963. It relates to Alverado story. This was shown to “Scelso”.
Document # 104-10015-10260 is a two page cable from Mexico City to CIA. It is a cable on Alverado’s background. This was shown to “Scelso”. It is a duplicate of Document # 104-10015-10116.
Document # 104-10015-10265 is a one page cable from Mexico City to CIA. Sylvia Duran and her husband have already been arrested. Presently under interrogation by Mexican authorities. Lic. Luis Echeverria will try to keep CIA informed and will try to keep arrest secret.
Document # 104-10015-10266 is a 2 page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It reports on the entrances and exits at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico, especially of Kostikov’s. Interestingly we get initials instead of signatures. GEG is the authenticating officer and WCC is the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10267 is a one page cable. In January of 1963 Silvia Duran was seen in two cars with Texas plates. The cable asks for information on these plates.
Document # 104-10015-10268 is a one page document. I can’t really tell who it is from or sent to. William C. Curtis appears at the top left. It is dated November 23, 1963. P-8593 appears three times. It is information from U.S. consulate Nuevo Laredo following at 1900 hours Mexico time to Ambassador.
The document states he left by auto on October 3, 1963.
Did they deliberately mangle Oswald’s name? Were they taking no chances and covering themselves to check two names? I have never seen it Harvey Oswald Lee before.
Document # 104-10015-10270 is a one page document similar to the one above in style. The legat in Mexico was advised of Duran’s arrest. He had not heard of it so this was taken as a good sign of Echevarria’s control of the situation.
Document # 104-10015-10271 is a one page report to CIA on a man with a green ford California 1963 license plate KVU 191 who parked near the Soviet Embassy.
Document # 104-10015-10272 is a one page report. Analysis completed on SOVEMB LIENVOY 18 Nov. thru 21 Nov. No items pertaining to Oswald. This is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10073 released Nov. 21, 1995.
Document # 104-10015-10273 is a one page report from G. P. Gestetner to Director CIA. It is a summary of local contacts of Ivan Gavrilovitch Alferiev.
Document # 104-10015-10274 is a two page cable from R. L. Easby to Director, CIA. Echeverria told COS Duran (was) completely cooperative and gave written statement attesting to two visits by Oswald.
Document # 104-10015-10275 is two pages. This is a telephone transcript. It is in Spanish. The relevant portion is translated into English. Someone informs somebody else that Oswald has been shot. The translator somehow feels as thought the one reporting the news of Oswald’s shooting, “… had a smirk on his face.”
Document 3 104-10015-10276 is a one page cable is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10064.
Document # 104-10015-10277 is a handwritten note to COS. It is dated November 24, 1963 “My suggestion is to do nothing with it here yet.” I believe this has something to do with Silvia Duran.
Document 3 104-10015-10278 is a one page cable identifying owners of certain car license plates. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10065.
Document # 104-10015-10283 is a one page cable from Mexico City to CIA. Re: Stations LIFEAT coverage of the residence of Soviet Cultural Officer Svyatoslav Fedorovich. Kuznetsov. Identified KGB. No calls whatever Nov 18-21, 1963. One personal to wife Nov. 22.
Document # 104-11105-10284 is a one page cable from Mexico City to CIA. Kazantsev, Konstantinov, and Shchuchkin were similarly watched. No calls in or out for coverage 1640-2000 hours Nov. 23, 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10285 is a one page cable similar to the two above. LIPAWN-1 22 Nov. audio product, of target SOVMILAT Alexsandr Georgiyevich Sidorov, of no pertinence.
Document # 104-10015-10286 is a two page cable from Mexico city to CIA. This reports on a phone intercept between Yugoslav Ambassador Gustav Vlahov and Soviet Ambassador Bazarov. At one point Vlahov says, “I knew that he was wounded even before the Americans”, referring to President Kennedy.
Document 3 104-10015-10287 is a four page cable. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10273.
Document # 104-10015-10288 is a three page report on unreported local contacts with Kostikov. On the top left of the first page it looks like Oswald has a P file. Oswald is circled, there is a capitol P- but no number, there is then another P-7455. I think there is a redaction here. Yet, the documentation says it is open in full. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10080. The Oswald P- does not appear on document # 104-10015-10080.
Document # 104-10015-10289 is a two page cable from R. L. Easby to director, CIA. It reports that Oswald ordered the rifle from Kleins, ordered in name Alek Hidell but sent to P.O.Box under Oswald’s name, when arrested Oswald had Selective Service card in his possession in name Alek Hidell, this name appeared on F.P.C.C. leaflets in New Orleans although Oswald name also appeared underneath. The FBI had not established as of noon November 23, 1963 whether Hidell exists or alias used by Oswald. There have been no Mexi traces of Hidell or variants. They are checking possibility that person photographed entering Soviet embassy October 1 and 4 and Cuban embassy October 15 might be Hidell. They are supplying Mexicans multiple copies of FBI photos of Oswald and station photos of unidentified man appropriately cropped for hotel investigation.
Well, this is very interesting. Oswald left Mexico October 3, right? So, it cannot be Oswald on October 4 and 15, right? What is the “hotel investigation” supposed to be?
Document # 104-10015-10290 is a three page cable from R. L. Easby to Director, CIA. Silvia Duran and her husband were taken into custody at her home with members of her family who were having a party. All taken to jail. She attributed the reason for her arrest to a cousin whom she does not like who told authorities about Oswald visits to the embassies. She does not know where Oswald stayed while in Mexico.
Document # 104-10015-10291 is a one page cable quoting Mexican daily paper “Excelsior” of Nov. 25, 1963. It’s the classic line of Oswald in Mexico City. Paragraph 2 quotes an AP story of Sept. 7, 1963, quoting Castro, “We are prepared to fight them and answer in kind. United States leaders should think that if they are aiding terrorist plans to eliminate the Cuban leaders, they themselves will not be safe.”
Document # 104-10015-10292 is a one page cable of a phone intercept translation. No word expressed over phone of assassination. Oswald P; It appears to be a semicolon instead of a dash.
Document # 104-10015-10293 is a one page cable from Mexico to CIA. I don’t understand this document so I’ll quote it. “According LIFIRE DIP couriers ref Mexi for Cuba 12 Nov. via Cubana 465, returned Mexi 18 Nov. via Cubana. According LIENVOY, they probably left for New York on 23 Nov. via Aeronaves flt 451. Anayev (phonetic) of Sov consulate New York phoned Sovemb 23 Nov. asking for info which flight couriers taking. comment: this only infrequently occurs. Asst. consul Kostikov handled the call from New York”.
Document # 104-10015-10294 is a two page cable from G.F. Gestetner to Director, CIA. It is titled, “Movements in and out of Soviet embassy by Kostikov and Alferyev”.
Document # 104-10015-10295 is a two page cable from Mexico City to CIA. The legat in Mexico advises that resident in Laredo of his organization is trying to get all details re: method of travel of anyone who might have traveled with Oswald and any similar info on Oswald or “Alek Hidell”. All flights from Nuevo Laredo and Monterey to and from Mexico checked, no evidence of air travel. Similar checks are being done on Jack Rubenstein, alias, Jack Ruby. Also, attempting to get data on where Oswald stayed in Mexico. The first job is difficult as Mexican immigration records are horrible.
Document # 104-10015-10296 is a two page cable from Mexico City to CIA. It repeats info on Cabaca and Portuondo in document # 124-10018-10362. It adds that the information came from William Durkin, a narcotics rep. who received it from a member of the Police Bank of Mexico, who is one of two Interpol reps. here.
Both callers are well known anti-Castrotites. Cabaca now under interrogation by police. FBI notified and they will contact Portuondo. Cabaca’s arrest reported in papers.
Document # 104-10015-10297 is a one page cable reporting on Alverado allegation and requesting a name trace. This is the beginning of the Alverado story investigation.
Document # 104-10015-10299. This looks like a small post-it-note. It says, “Silvia Duran knew where Oswald was staying in Mexico. Could we get this address from her?” It is dated November 25, 1963.
Document 3 104-10015-10301 is a one page document giving background and other information on Alverado.
Document # 104-10015-10306 is a one page cable. It states simply, “Ref: Dir 74830 Pls pouch photo Oswald.” It is dated October 15, 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10307 is a one page dispatch. It is from Chief of Station of Mexico City to the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division. “Attached are copies of the only photographs obtained from LIEMPTY on 1 October 1963, which appear to be an American. The same man visited the Soviet embassy on 4 October 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10308 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director. “According to VOA (Voice of America) Lee H. Oswald, age 24, has been arrested in Dallas possibly in connection assassination of President Kennedy. Request priority pouch photo of Oswald so that station can check LIEMPTY coverage for iden. Forwarding soonest copies of only visitor to Sovemb (Extremely interesting, 28 is typed and crossed out and a 1 is places above it,) Oct who could be indentical with Oswald.”
Document 3 104-10015-10309 is a one page telegram from the Foreign Service of the U.S. to the Sec. of State. It is dated Nov. 22, 1963. The Foreign Minister said that on his instructions the border between Mexico and the U.S. had been closed to all persons not personally and well known to the Mexican Government and hence above suspicion.
Document # 104-10015-10310 is a one page document. It looks like it is from Win Scott to J. C. (King?). “Reference is made to our conversation of 22 November in which I requested permission to give the Legal Attache copies of photographs of a certain person who is known to you.” Copies of these photographs were flown to Dallas by the Naval Attache. At a vertical right angle underneath the typed “Best Wishes” is written “Eldon Rudd of L.A. office took letter. S” Then in similar handwriting, “File: Lee Henry Oswald P-”
Document # 104-10015-10312 has two pages. It is from the Navy Dept. to U.S. Embassy Mexico city. It is a copy of a photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald. It is the October 1956 Marine induction photo. There is handwriting that says it was received November 26, 1963. The second page is a xerox of the letter envelope. It has a postmark of Washington, D.C. 5PM. It is addressed to Mr. Winfield Scott, Embassy of United States of America, Mexico City, Mexico. It is from the Navy Department, chief of Naval Operations, Washington, 25 D.C.
Document # 104-10015-10313, these are telephone transcripts and all three pages are in Spanish.
Document 3 104-10015-10315 is a one page cable from CIA to Mexico City requesting reports on Soviet embassy activity and reactions to assassination.
Document 3 104-10015-10317 from CIA to Mexico City. “No need send staffer with photos. We have asked Navy for photos again, but Mexi can see Oswald’s picture sooner on the press wire. We have just reemphasized to ODENVY (FBI) HQRS the sensitivity of photos.”
Document # 104-10015-10318 is a one page cable requesting information on Kostikov, specifically, any travel outside Mexico City apart from those to Tijuana, Ensenda, and Mexicali in March and September 1963 and Veracruz 6 Jan 63; hour by hour whereabouts 22 November and all details his activities during November; names and background not already reported; any unusual activity involving KGB and Soviet Embassy personnel 17-30 November.
Document # 104-10015-10319 is a one page cable stating, “Kostikov traveled in September with Ivan Gavrilovich Alfereyev (201-236701) who in close contact Cuban diplomats during February 1962 tdy quito. Request reporting and coverage Alferyev as with Kostikov.”
Document # 104-10015-10320 “ODENVY says that photos of man entering soviet embassy which Mexi sent to Dalals were not of Lee Oswald. Presume Mexi has doubled checked dates of these photos and is also checking all pertinent other photos for possible shots of Oswald.”
Document # 104-10015-10323 is a one page cable from R. L. Easby to Director CIA. This is a list of persons who flew Mexico to U. S. (Wouldn’t a list of the reverse be more important?) who might be identical with Lee Oswald.
A. Mexicana flt. 800 to Chicago 1 Nov, Lee Martin
B. Same flt 12 Nov., Wilford Oswalt
C. Branif flt. 50 to San antonio 8 Nov, William Oswald
Unexplained is who these people are, what they look like and why the CIA would think they look like Oswald.
Document # 104-10015-10323 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is a copy of document # 104-10015-10123, however this copy has no postponements while document # 104-10015-10123 has 4. You figure it out.
Document # 104-10015-10324 is a two page cable. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10124.
Document # 104-10015-10325 is a two page cable from G. F. Gestetner to Director , CIA. It reports no other travel by Kostikov. It seems to be a response to document # 104-10015-10318.
Document # 104-10015-10326 is a telephone transcript of call to Soviet Embassy 11 Nov 63. It is three pages, dated Nov. 23, 1963. part of the cable is in Spanish. Douglas J. Feinglass is identified as the translator because he is credited as being the one who thinks the “Northamerican” spoke terrible, hardly recogniziable Russian.
John Newman mentioned Mr. Feinglass’ name at MIt in his presentation given October 1, 1995. John then referred to a document released by the Review Board: “Now in this stack of documents there is a much better version of Mr. Feinglass’ name, who is described as a transcriber, I actually believe that that is a pseudonym, it is probably Mr. Parasol (sic?) would be his real name, and we know that from various sources as a transcriber. But I would like to draw your attention to the marginalia in this newspaper article, you can see it in the lower left hand portion of the page. It says here, ‘the caller from the Cuban Embassy was unidentified until headquarters sent traces on Oswald and…’ do you see what it says after that, ‘voices compared.’! (See Document # 104-10125-10001 from the 39 CIA document released in September, 1995.)
How do you compare voices in a transcript? No, you need the intercept. You need the tape. You can compare statements in a transcript. Not voices.
“Douglas J. Feinglass” is a name along with “John Scelso” that is fictious and the research commuity should keep an eye out for these fictitious names in these documents.
Document # 104-10015-10327 is two pages. It is dated November 23, 1963. One page is a routing and record sheet. The r & r sheet has handwriting that looks like it could be “Scelso’s” that says, “To do memo of conversation of this date with Echevaria. I advise Echevaria later that the Roderiguez Molina arrested-Dallas has nothing to do with Kennedy assassination”.
The cable is a request from Echevaria to the COS for all information on Rodriguez Molina. Cable originates from R.L.E., who is also the authenticating officer. W.C.C. is the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10328 is a cable from CIA to Mexico City requesting a review of all LIENVOY tapes and transcripts since September 27. CIA requests soonest dispatch, staffer if necessary, full transcripts and original tapes if available.
Document # 104-10015-10329 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It requests dates and activities of Oswald’s most recent stay thru 22 Nov. in U.S. It is from G. F. Gestetner.
Document # 104-10015-10332 gives information on cars that appeared at the Cuabn Embassy Oct. 21, and 24, 1963. It is a duplicate of Document # 104-10015-10092.
Document # 104-10015-10333 is a three page cable from Mexico city to Director, CIA on the movements of Kostikov. Information came from LIMITED. It starts with Nov. 18.
Document # 104-10015-10334is a one page cable fromJeremy L. Niarcos to MFR. It is titled “Mexico City Station support activities assignments this date re: assassination.” It is dated 11/22/63. This is a horrible copy of the original document and barely legible. It reports the activities of LIEMPTY, the following three seem to be part of LIEMPTY, LICALLA, LIMITED, LILYRIC, and there seems to be another, a fourth, that ends with ENDE. LIEMBRACE and LIFEAT do not subdivide, at least not in this document, and appear to be as important as LIEMPTY.
Someone, “Scelso”?, likes what LIEMBRACE is doing?
Document # 104-100015-10335 is a five page cable from Mexico City to Director. It is titled “Transcript of call to Soviet Embassy, probably Oswald”. Most of the document is in Spanish. Interestingly, in reference to the October 1, 1963, phone call to the Soviet Embassy someone has written in “Long Distance?”
Document # 104-10015-10336 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. I love this document. A complete recheck of all visitors to Cuban Embassy August through first half November shows no evidence of Oswald visit.
Document # 104-10015-10337 is a two page cable basically reporting that all is normal at the Soviet Embassy on the morning of November 22, 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10338 is a three page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. A reporter from the newspaper Novedades asked for Soviet Embassy statement on the asassination.
Document # 104-10015-10340 is a one page cable. It is information on Silvia Duran and request that she be arrested and held by Merxican authorities. There is a lot of handwriting by “Scelso” ? It list’s Oswald’s P files as P-8593.
Document # 104-10015-10341 is a one page cable from Lawrence F. Barker to COS. It is a memo for COS. Barker requests that the Mexican government be asked to put a police cordon around the Cuban Embassy and require all visitors to identify themselves.–entering and exiting.
Document # 104-10015-10347 is a nine page cable from L.F. Barker to Director, CIA. It is information obtained from an interview with Alverado Ugarte. This is Alverado Ugarte’s whole story, which is a total lie.
Document # 104-10015-10349 is a one page cable from G.F. Gestetner to Director, CIA. The Mexican Secret Service initiated heavy surveillance of Soviet Embassy starting the afternoon of Nov. 23, 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10351 is a one page cable from L. F. Barker to Mana, and Director. An update on Ugarte, who now claims to be a Communist Party penetration agent for the Nicaraguan government. The text doesn’t exactly tell you that but that is what they are talking about.
Document # 104-10015-10352 is a one page cable from W.C.Curtis to Director, CIA, dated November 26, 1996. Ambassadoe Mann has suggested to State Department that an ODENVOY [FBI] officer be sent to Mexico to give him more details of Oswald/Rubenstein cases.
Document # 104-10015-10354 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is also addressed to Brent and Knight. It is dated November 26, 1963. Alverado’s story is being checked as thouroughly as possible. He has been moved to a safe address.
Document # 104-10015-10355 is a one page cable from COS, Mexico City to Director, CIA. Dr. Jose Guillermo Aguire of Mexico told following to Pete Moraga USIS officer on 26 November. Maria Rodriguez widow of Lopez said a son in law of hers who lives in New Orleans was well acquainted with Lee Oswald. He runs a Spanish language school and is anti-Castro. According to Maria he has taped conversations with Oswald.
Document # 104-10015-10357 is a 15 page interview of Silvia Tirado Duran. Most of the document is in Spanish. Also included are two photos each of Silvia Duran and Horacio Duran Navarro.
Document # 104-10015-10361 is a nine page translation of conversation between Hernandez Armas and President Dorticos.
Document # 104-10015-10363 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 26 November, 1963. It is about Alverado Ugarte. It asks for a name trace. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10297.
Document # 104-10015-10366 is a six page report on an interview of Alverado Ugarte.
Document # 104-10015-10367 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated November 26, 1996. The Mexican Secret Service initiated heavy surviellance of Soviet Embassy starting the afternoon of Nov. 23, 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10368 is a four page cable from mexico City to Director, CIA. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10162.
Document # 104-10015-10369 is a two page report from Mexico City to the Director, CIA. It is dated 11/26/63. This is a wierd one. LICENT 0-1 said 25 November that Ana Veleria Szekely Duno Tendler and husband David Duno Tendler left Mexi for Dallas. This is being reported because Valeria and her mother Elizabeth Shelly are close to Judith Ferreto Segura. A letter from (?) ester Chapa Tijerina to Peking, China mentioned that Shelly had been accepted by Chinese-Latin America Society of Friendship to work in China. The Chinese said that it is too cold to come in the winter so they suggest coming in the spring instead.
Now what does this have to do with anything?
Document # 104-10015-10370 is a one page document from Mexico City to the Director, CIA. Alverado Ugarte now claims to be a Communist Party penetration agent.
Document # 104-10015-10371 is a one page document from Merida (whatever that is) to Director, CIA. it is a cable dated 11/26/63 stating that Cubemb phoned MMariano Garcia Perez and Jose Lian Martin. I really can’t make much sense of this one. Something about a meeting being changed.
Document # 104-10015-10391 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City dated 11/27/63. The CIA wants neither Silvia Duran nor the Cubans to get the impression that Americans are behind her arrest, “want Mexican authorities to take responsibility for whole affair.” It is a duplicate of document #104-10015-10187.
Document # 104-10015-10393 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA, dated 11/27/63. This is from Richard Helms. It has “Curtis from Knight” in it.. Helms basically tells Mexi that Ambassador Mann is pushing the Alverado Ugarte case too hard and that it could create a flap with the Cubans which could have serious repercussions. It is a duplicate of document #104-10015-10186.
Document # 104-10015-10406 is a two page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. Ambassador Mann feels he is not being fully informed on Oswald/Rubenstein matters. FBI chief feels Ambassador’s request is a lack of confidence in him. COS likes the FBI chief and tried to assure him that that is not true.
Document # 104-10015-10407 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA dated 11/27/63 reporting that Alverado Ugarte’s story is being checked as thoroughly as possible, he has been moved to safe address and closer surveillance is being placed on Silvia Duran.
Document # 104-10015-10409 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. The FBI found out that Oswald stayed at the Hotel Del Comercio.
Document # 104-10015-10419 is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10195.
Document # 104-10015-10426 is a one page letter. It says on the RIF that who wrote it and who was to recieve it are withheld, however, it looks like it was written by Win Scott and sent to J.C. King. It says, “Dear JC”, it’s only a guess that it is J.C. King. I could be wrong. The letter concerns John Horton’s visit. Horton is returning to D.C. and Scott is sending copies of material with him, items mentioned in a cable to JC today. Today was November 27, 1963.
Document # 104-10015-10427 is a one page cable from Win Scott to Clark D. Anderson. This is a document reporting that Maria Rodriguez viuda de Lopez said she has a son-in-law living in New Orleans who was well acquintated with lee Oswald. The son-in-law is a Cuban named Arnesto Roderiguez who allegedly has a tape recorded conversation with Lee Harvey Oswald. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10355.
Document # 104-10015-10429 is a one page memorandum from Win Scott to Clark D. Anderson, Legat Attache. A copy of Ambassador Mann’s cable of 26 November 1963 is passed onto the legat.
Document # 104-10015-10430 is a duplicate of document # 104-10015-10426.
Document # 104-10015-10434 is a 9 page report titled “Lee H. Oswald/Soviet activities in Mexico city 18-24 November 1963 to include info on V.V. Kostikov and I.G. Alferiev.” It is dated November 27, 1963. It is a two page memo with seven page attachment. It was sent to Hoover through Papich. It lists those entering and exiting and some telephone calls. I see nothing of great importance in it.
Document # 104-10015-10437 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City dated 11/28/63. This originates with “John Scelso” FBI is reporting from “reliable indications” that Oswald was in New Orleans on September 19, 1963. Lee was in New Orleans applying for unemployment insurance on September 17 so if Alverado’s story is correct Oswald had to have flown to Mexico to receive his payoff on September 18. CIA now wants Mexi to regard Alverado as fabricator and tailor interrogation accordingly. “John Scelso” signs off in place of Richard Helms as the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10438 is a two page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City dated 11/28/63. It is titled, “Mexi evaluation of Alverado story may have been seriously warped by a piece of misinformation which has crept into this case.”
I love that title. This too originates from “Scelso”.
“We have just heard by phone from Kingman… that Lee Oswald made a bank deposit of $5,000 dollars in the United States after he got back from Mexico on 3 October 1963.” This would tend to corroborate Alverado’s story. Kingman thinks that Curtis got the information about the bank deposit from an FBI man named Clark. The CIA knows of no bank account and has never heard of one. The FBI has never heard of this story. “A check of banks already made affirms that Oswald could not have made such a deposit.” That line is somewhat crossed out. FBI asks for source of this rumour. “Scelso” signs for Helms as the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10015-10439 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It originates from “John Scelso”. “To supplement our position as outlined in ref, we wish to stress there should be no let down in your effort to follow all leads and investigate all facts which bear on this case. We have by no means excluded the possibility that others as yet unknown persons may have been involved or even that other powers may have played a role. Please continue all your coverage of Soviet and Cuban installations and your liaison with Mexicans.” “Scelso” is the releasing officer.
Now what case are they referring to, the assassination or this Alverado story?
Document # 104-10015-10440 is a one page cable from CIA to the White House, State Dept. and the FBI dated 11/28/63. A British journalist named John Wilson, also known as John Wilson-Hudson, gave information to the American Embassy in London which indicated that an American gangster type named Ruby visited Cuba around 1959. This originates with “John Scelso”. Wilson was working in Cuba and was jailed by Castro before being deported. Wilson met an American gangster named Santos [Trafficante]. Trafficante could not return to the U.S. as there were several indictments against him so instead he lived in relative luxury in a Cuban prison. According to Wilson Ruby was a frequent visitor to Trafficante. Wilson says he once testified to the Eastland Committee of the U.S. Senate sometime in 1959 or ’60.
Document # 104-10015-10441 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. CIA tells Mexi not to turn Alverado over to the Mexicans. CIA wants to be informed if FBI attempts to sway the station to turn Alverado over to the Mexicans one way or the other. CIA believes Alverado may be a Nicaraguan agent. Erthyroid 3 has gone to Mexi as is to be available to Nic Embassy. FBI man Larry Keenan now in Mexi and sent to follow up leads on entire assassination. Station is advised to cooperate with him fully. “Scelso” signs of as releasing Officer for Helms.
Document # 104-10015-10442 is a three page cable from CIA to the White House, FBI and Dept of State. Further interrogation of Alverado on the night of 26 November showed he was familiar with the Cuban Embassy in Mexico and the employees there. This is probably why the CIA was worried about Alverado. They knew his story was bogus but what he might know of the employees inside the Cuban Embassy would be of great concern to them. This cable originates from “John Scelso”. “John Scelso” signs off for Helms.
Document # 104-10015-10443 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. FBI liaison officer oficially requests on behalf of FBI that Alverado be turned over to Mexican authorities. FBI says it understands that the Mexicans have a polygraphing capality and FBI requests that CIA have Alverado polygraphed by the Mexicans. CIA agrees to do this. “Scelso” signs off for Helms.
Document # 104-10015-10445 is a one page cable from CIA to the White house, FBI and the Dept. of State. It is dated 11/28/63. This is official notice that Alverado has been turned over to Mexican authorities for further interrogation. The Nicaraguan Intelligence Service is dispatching a senior official to help in the interrogation. This originates with “Scelso” and “Scelso” signs for Helms.
Document # 104-10015-10446 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City dated 11/28/63. This originates with “Scelso”. The Document is in a response to a request for a special kind of man who speaks Spanish. The CIA responds that “No fluent Spanish speaking FLUTTER man available at all.” The RIF did not use FLUTTER and did not seem to distinquish fluttter from fluent. LC/FLUTTER seems to be some operation.
Document # 104-10015-10447 is an eight page telegram from Ambassador Thomas Mann to U. Alexis Johnson and Secretary Dean Rusk. Mann describes that after reading Oswald’s dossier he thought that Oswald must have gotten an assignment to do the assassination from someone somewhere as it seemed out of character for Oswald to do this on his own. Oswald seemed, to Mann, to be lazy, going from job to job and rebellious against society. Mann said this view of Oswald was strengthened by Oswald’s attempt to get a transist visa through Cuba, then an immigration visa to Russia so he could settle down in Odessa. Mann could not figure out why Oswald would want to live in Odessa unless he knew he would be living the good life once he got there. Mann did not think Khrushchev would hire Oswald but Castro would. Castro is, “the Latin type of extremist who reacts viscerally rather than intellectually and apparently without much regard for risks”. The Alverado story fits Mann’s views of Cubans. Mann also remembered the AP story about Castro threatening U.S. officials.
Mann is an extremely reckless individual who is wildly theorizing. He is accepting everythng as fact and wants swift movement. He thinks of himself as some kind of Dick Tracy.
Actually this goes back to an old argument of who is in charge the CIA chief of Station or the Ambassador. President Kennedy ordered that it be the Ambassador.
Document # 104-10015-10449 is a one page cable from Managua, Nicaragua to Director, CIA. “Station requested ERYTHROID-1 cooperation Mexi thru Major Jerez and if possible by sending ERYTHROID-3 Mexi. E-1 said Alverado in Mexi without ERYTHROID authority and passed off suggestion use Jerez but agreed immediately send E-3.”
I do wonder what ERYTHROID is.
Document # 104-10016-10002 is a one page cable from Manuaga to Director, CIA. It is dated 11/28/63. MANA wants to know if it is still desirable for E-3 to travel. If not they ask permission to inform Erythroid that Alverado is in hands of Mexi authorities.
Document # 104-10016-10003 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. “Request OPIM authorization turn Alverado over to LITEMPOS. This was seen by “Mr. Scelso”.
Document # 104-10016-10004 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA dated 11/28/63. This was seen by “Mr. Scelso”. Mr. Clark D. Anderson, legal attache told COS and Mann of rumor that Oswald deposited $5,000 dollars in a bank in the United States. Apparently this rumor was on Mexican radio and television. COS did not hear this on Mexi TV or radio. Feels sure that it was on Mexi radio or TV and Alverado may have heard this and incoprorated it into his story.
Document # 104-10016-10008 is a two page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA dated 11/28/63. All pertinent information from LIENVOY on Oswald case has been furnished to legat. COS is worried that the source of the informatiojn may leak out.
Document # 104-10016-10009 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. “Believe it would be useful to have Spanish speaking LCFLUTTER operator available Mexi certainly for Alverado and possibly for others. If HQS agrees please arrange soonest and advise.” This was the request that document # 104-10015-10446 is a response to.
Document # 104-10016-10010 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. Echevaria grateful that Alverado is being turned over to Mexican government.
Document # 104-10016-10018 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. “Cite Mexi 7188” is about all that is here.
Document # 104-10016-10028 is a one page memo from Win Scott to Clark D. Anderson. It is dated 11/29/63. “Attached is a ten-page statement of information obtained by Gobernacion during first detention of Subject.” Then there is the typical confidential source stuff. Naturally, it isn’t attached.
Document # 104-10016-10029 is two pages. One is a record and routing sheet. it is from CIRA/RS to IP/AN. It is a list of Consular personnel (Soviets) in Helsinki in October 1959. It strikes me as odd that this is in the midst of documents relating to Mexico City. The only Soviet official accredited to Finland as a soviet Consular official in October 1959 was GOLUB, Grigoriy Yevgenyevich (201- in SR/Bio). Golub stated that he was only person of officer rank in the consular section in May 1959. He had once had a part-time assistant, Mikhail Petrovich LYUBIMOV, who had departed sometime between Feb. and May 1959. The only help he had if any was purely secretarial. Sources consulted: AELADLE list of RIS personnel in Helsinki, Checklist of Soviet Officials Abroad (years 1955, 1956, 1959, 1960, 1961), 201 file for GOLUB, Grigorily Yevgenyevich “Lindy”. This is undated but before April 1, 1964.
Document # 104-10016-10031 is a three page document. One page is a small sheet. It is to Anne J. It is handwritten. “See (bottom?) document in 50-6-129/3 on this subject. I don’t know what FBI did in Nov. 64, but the (garro’s) house been talking about this for long time & she is said to be extremely bright.” There is then some typing, “Mr. White: 1. LA memo said they checked info Mexi-5621 and found it unsubstantiated. 2. Mr. Scott asked me to send this cable. 3. We will try to confirm or refute Mrs. G. D P.’s info and follow up.” Then the handwriting has a line from above the typing down and says, “She is also nuts”.
The other pages discuss Elena Garro de Paz, Elena Paz, (the daughter) and Debra Garro de Guervero Galvan. This two page report is titled, “Mexican Communists who had contact with Oswald and has not appeared in Warren Commission write ups in the press”. Elena and Deb are first cousins of three young Mexicans named Duran: Rueben, Horacio, and Lynn. Horacio is the husband of Silvia Duran. The document discusses the “twister” party. Horacio Duran works at “El Dia” newspaper. This was important news to someone as there is handwriting that says, “His employment, finally”.
Document # 104-10016-100036 is a one page cable from Managua to Director, CIA dated 11/23/63. It describes how ERYTHROID-3 is arriving. E-1 and E-3 have only been told that Alverado may have some info bearing on GPFLOOR. E-3 knows Alverado well and Alverado’s work with ERYTHROIDS. E-3 is much more likely to solve riddle than LCFLUTTER.
Document # 104-10016-10039 is a two page cable from COS Mexico City dated 11/28/63. It is a duplicate of document # 104-10016-10010.
Document # 104-10016-10041 is a duplicate of document # 104-10016-10009.
Document # 104-10016-10043 is a one page cable from R. L. Easby to MANA.
Easby is delighted to have ERYTHROID-3. A telephone number is given with dircetions that E-3 should ask for Mr. Daniels, identifying himself as Alberto Suarez.
Meeting to take place in lobby of Plaza Hotel. Time to be set by phone.
Document # 104-10016-10046 is a duplicate of document # 104-10016-10002.
Document # 104-10016-10049 is a one page cable from COS, Mexico City to C/research & Analysis. It is dated 02/25/70. That’s right, 1970. Odd, isn’t it? This is a dispatch from COS, Mexico City to Chief, WOMUSE/ Research & Analysis. There is a space on the dispatch marked Info and that says Chief, WH Division. The Subject is “Forwarding of personality file on Lee Harvey Oswald (201-289248)”.
The text reads, “Action Required: For inclusion in Subject’s Headquarters 201 file.”
“Forwarded herewith are the complete Mexico City personality files on Subject. Much of the material herein is no doubt available at Headquarters, but it is believed that your staff may find a complete review of the field file of interest and of historical significance.” There was an attachment, 6 volumes h/w. Where a signature would normally go on a business letter there is “for/John A. Probert”.
Document # 104-10017-10015 is missing.
Document # 104-10017-10016 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 12/03/63. Richard Beymer, (phonetic) American called Cuban embassy from Acapulco 2 Dec. Unknown person speaking English, probably Brewer, called from Acalpulco 30 Nov Also. Asked for Silvia Duran who not there. Louisa Calderon told Beymere no response from Cuba yet. (Source LIENVOY). 2. Probably newspaperman awaiting visa for Cuba. No record Mexi. Request traces. FBI not advised.
Document # 104-10017-10020 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA dated 12/03/63. LITEMPO/4 asked for trace on U.S. Citizen Gilberto Lopez. Lopez arrived Mexico on 23 November en route to Havana. He has dissapeared. No record of trip to Havana. Subject left Mexi for havana on 27 Nov via Cubana (only passenger aboard) source LIFIRE.
Document # 104-10017-10026 is a two page cable from Madrid to the Secretary of State. This has a record and routing sheet. It is dated December 7, 1963. A local Reuters correspondent called to inform Embassy of a story that will run in Spanish-language New York weekly, “El TIEMPO”. Spanish police have detained since November 23, 1963 one Enrique Pascual Ruedolo Gongora, Cuban national, aged 45 who arrived that day from New York. Ruedolo has confessed plotting to kill President Kennedy.
CAS check that yes such a man is being held, however, Spanish police say he arrived November 29 and to the best of their knowledge has no connection with assassination. He apparently was expelled from U.S.
Document # 104-10017-10028 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA dated 12/07/63. LITEMPO/4 advised COS on 7 Dec that Alverado will be returned to Managua by TACA flight Number 773 departing Mexico at 0930 hours on 8 December. Please advise E-3.
Document # 104-10017-10029 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. E-3 returning MANA PAA flt 501, Dec 7, requests advise wife to meet him. Well, isn’t that sweet?
Document # 104-10017-10030 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated 12/07/63. The first line says “Subject LCFLUTTER indicated he fabricating facts of his story.”
Well, after reading more documents on Alverado than I ever wanted to I learned that Alverado has some connection to a CIA operation ERYTHROID and possibly to another operation LCFLUTTER. Remember, document #104-10016-100036 told us of Alverado’s work with ERYTHROID. Now Alverado is referred to as an LCFLUTTER. The first sentence of the second paragraph says, “When shown photos of Oswald during testing, deception patterns were evidenced.” I wonder where they got the photos from, and what kind of photos they were, were they of Oswald? What kind of testing did they submitt Alverado to?
Document # 104-10017-10032 is a one page cable. This is the name trace on Gilberto Policarpo Lopez.
Document # 104-10017-10054 is a two page document from American Embassy Portauprince, Hati to the Department of State. The DeMohrenschildt’s were interviewed on the morning of December 4, 1963. This includes a record and routing sheet. Nothing to startling in the interview, pretty much the standard official story from DeMohrenschildt.
Document # 104-10017-10059 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated December 5, 1963. LICALLA, LILYRIC and LIENVOY coverage of Kostikov and Alferye thru 30 Nov indicate no particular deviation of their mode activities, no travel outside Mexi.
Document 104-10017-10060 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. LITEMPO-4 reported to COS late 4 December that Gilberto Lopez crossed Laredo, Texas on 23 Nov, registered in Roosevelt Hotel Mexico City on 25 Nov. Departed as only passenger on Cubana flight on night 27 Nov. for Havana. LITEMPO-4 has a good photograph of Lopez taken at airport on departure. LITEMPOS runs airport so data re flights to Cuba available to them. Station did not report LIFIRE data to LITEMPO-4.
Document # 104-10017-10064 is a four page cable from COS Mexico City to Chief WH Division dated 12/05/63. There is a record and routing sheet. There are two pages summarizing known data on Lopez. This is signed by Willard C. Curtis. There is a xerox that seems to be for a phot but it did not come out.
Document # 104-10017-10066 is a one page cable from Willard Curtis to Memo for files. It is dated December 5, 1963. On December 3, 1963 LITEMPO/4 reported that one Gilberto Lopez U.S. Citizen who arrived in Mexico on 23 November 1963, “looked suspicious”. Lopez had a limited 15-day tourist card issued in Tampa , Florida, on November 20, 1963. Mexican government had “lost” him and were looking for him.
Document # 104-10017-10067 is a one page document from Michael C. Choaden to Willard Curtis. It is dated 12/04/63. This is a memorandum. The subject is, “New York Times article on OSWALD was accurate”, “was accurate” is handwritten in, the rest of it was typed. Carl Migdail visited Mr. Choaden on the morning of December 4, 1963. He brought with him a cutting from the Dec. 3, 1963 West coast edition of the NYT. The article was about Oswald’s stay in Mexico, “and went into great detail about where he stayed and who he saw.” Migdail asked if it was accurate. Choaden did not comment. Migdail felt certain that the NYT got its information from Luis Farias’ file. Well, who the hell is Farias?
Document # 104-10017-10070 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. E-3 is remaining in Mexico City until interrogation of Alverado is completed. E-3 will return with Alverado but not prior to December 7, 1963.
Document # 104-10017-10071 is a one page cable from Managua to Director, CIA. It is dated December 4, 1963. E-1 just read telelgram from E-3 announcing arrival and bringing Alverado today December 4. Need confirmation by 2:00 Pm as special handling and security precautions required.
Document # 104-10017-10083 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. “Station holding all reels from 22 November 63 for both Cuban and Soviet Embassies. Unless advised to contrary, station will erase routine tapes Soviet Embassy keeping normal two week lag. Can retain Cuban tapes as long as HQS. wishes.” I do think this means that they still had the Sept – October 1963 intercept tapes in December of 1963.
Dopcument # 104-10017-10085 is an eight page report on the interrogation report on Gilberto Alverado Lopez. It is dated December 5, 1963. It includes a record and routing sheet. It says it is from RI/AN to CI/RA. There is then a dispatch.
The dispatch states that the Alverado story is a lie and that a copy of this report was given to the FBI locally. I have two copies of this cable for some reason. The report is in Spanish.
Document # 104-10018-10011is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It is dated. December 12, 1963. This originates from “John Scelso”. “Please do not erase any Soviet or Cuban tapes until further notice.” “Scelso” signs off for Helms. A very important document.
Document # 104-10018-10013 is a one page record and routing sheet. It is from RID/AN to CI/RA. Sorry, I don’t really know how to read these R & R sheets so I can’t tell what particular document accompanies this.
Document # 104-10018-10039 is a one page memorandum. It is dated December 10, 1963. It is from Registry to Winston Scott. It is titled “Internal station report on the travels of Vincent Lee. This concerns Lee’s travels between December 1962 and January 1963. The source is LIFIRE. Lee traveled from Mexico to Cuba on December 28, 1962. A passport number is given. Lee traveled from Cuba to Mexico on January 21, 1963. Elizabeth Mora’s travels are also listed.
Document # 104-100018-10043 is a five page report form DDP to Director, CIA, FBI atn: Sam Papich. The subject is Mexican Interrogation of Gilberto Alverado. This document is barely legible. They wanted to point out that local CIA agents did not use FBI credentials in interviewing Alverado. “Our officers use no credentials in Mexico City” Badges?! We don’t need any stinking badges!
Document # 104-10018-10044 is a one page document from the JMWAVE station to Director, CIA. It is dated December 10, 1963. “Jentons currently in Columbia on leave on provate business where inspecting mining property in interior of country. Prior departure informed us would be impossible contact because of uncertain itinerary. Plans return Miami late evening 11 Dec.” This was in a response to a request as to where Jetons was and how he could be contacted.
So who is Jentons and why is this an assassination record?
Document # 104-10018-10047 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated December 10, 1963. Six tapes on which interrogation of Gilberto Alverado done by Peter K. Woodhead being pouched by HMMA-22600 on 12 December. Copies given to legat.
Document # 104-10018-10053 is a one page cable from CIA to the White House, Department of State, and the FBI. It is titled, “Cable concerning the Lee Harvey Oswald case.” It is dated December 18, 1963. This document originates from “John Scelso”. Richard Thomas Gibson, U.S. citizen who was once associated with the F.P.C.C. was interviewed in Paris, France by U.S. consular officials to see if he had an information on Lee Harvey Oswald. He gave two stories.
One, in late summer 1962, while working for the F.P.C.C. in New York, Gibson got a letter from a Lee Bowmont in Ft. Worth, Texas enclosing a photo and a newspaper clipping on activity similar to F.P.C.C., and asking for information on F.P.C.C.. Gibson thinks he sent a routine reply enclosing literature on F.P.C.C.. At the time he did not assume that Lee Bowmont was an alias, but he feels it might have been Lee Oswald. Two, in Summer 1962, Gibson received a group of Trotskyites among whom may have been Lee Oswald. Gibson has no special reason for thinking this. “Scelso” signs off for Richard Helms as the releasing officer.
Document # 104-10018-10054 is a one page cable from CIA to White House, Department of State, and the FBI. It is dated December 18, 1963. This origiantes from “John Scelso”. Ricardo Santos, third Secretary of the Cuban Embassy of the Hague, had a pro-Castro brother in the United States. Efforts to identify this brother and confirm the report have so far not been sucessful. Dutch authorities believe that such a brother does exist but they have no further info. They are trying to identify him too. “John Scleso” signs off for Richard Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10057 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated December 20, 1963. This originates with Charlotte Bustos. This is a request that station photograph entire station file on Valeriy Valdimirovich Kostikov. Also request station subjective comments on file and relationships to other Soviets Mexi. This analysis would accompany photos if possible. “Little in HDQS on Kostikov and your info and study will be vital contribution to our presentation to Warren Commission.” Well, that’s interesting. It looks like Anne Egerter signed for Birch D. O’Neil. The handwriting is very small. “Scelso” signs off for Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10058 is a one page document from Mexico City to Director, CIA. Kostikov file being pouched, unable to remove true staffer names from file routine sheets, memos, etc.
Document # 104-10018-10066 is a two page dispatch from Chief of Western Hemisphere Division to COS Mexico City. This originates from OC/WH/3 [John Scelso]. This is the first time I saw an “O” in front of the “C”. It is basically a pat on the back to the wonderful job the Mexico City station did after the assassination. They report that Lee Oswald denied ever being in Mexico City except to Tiajuana which seem to confirm Hosty’s account of Oswald being asked about this. It is signed by Oliver G. Galbond.
Document # 104-10018-10067 is a 3 page document, one record and routing sheet and a two page memorandum. It is dated December 19, 1963. It is from R. L. Bannerman D/Security, CIA to the Deputy Director for Plans. Attention: [John Scelso] This is an important document. Subject White House Support (Security Aspects for Funeral of President John F. Kennedy) “During the period 24 through 27 November 1963, the Office of Security made available to the United States Secret Service and the Division of Security, United States Department of State, over one hundred professional personnel to assist in providing maximum protection for chiefs of state, heads of government, and chiefs of special delegations attending the funeral services for the late President John F. Kennedy.
“This support included handling of arrivals and departures at Dulles, Friendship, Andrews Air Force base, and National Airports; providing security escorts for dignitaries during all activities in the Washington, D.C. area; observation and control of crowds along the route of the funeral procession and during the services at Arlington National Cemetary; plus physical security surveys and maintenance of 24-hour watches at residences of visiting dignitaries. In addition, Office of Security personnel on standby at headquarters provided armed personnel for details, conducting name tracing and file reviews, and kept appropriate Agency officials and components advised of pertinent developments.
Requirements for Security Officers with language capabilities covering ten countries for assignment to foreign dignitaries and delegation. One “crank” message and four alleged threats were investigated and satisfactorily resolved. Office of Security personnel also assisted State Department and Secret Service agents in spotting and questioning suspicious appearing individuals along the route of the funeral procession.
Office of Security personnel operated under the cover of the agency to which they were assigned. Many of the individuals assigned have had prior experience in the protection of high level officials. The entire operation was conducted with a minimum of difficulties and represents a fine example of inter-agency cooperation.”
Well, shit. If this document doesn’t interest the hell out of you, then you really shouldn’t be in this research game. Exactly what role did “John Scelso” play in the security for the funeral of President Kennedy, if any? Who were these people from the CIA’s Office of Security? Doesn’t this document raise about a thousand questions? Were Jacqueline or Robert Kennedy aware of any of this? Was LBJ? Prior experience in protecting high level officials? Who exactly and where? Dallas?
Document # 104-10018-10068 is a 4 page document dated December 16, 1963. A car belonging to Hermino Duarte Martins. jr. was at the Cuban Embassy during the time that Lee Oswald was there. Also, information was received that one Robert Edmond Gallant, an inmate of the Santa Clara Prison Farm in California had been active in the anti-Castro underground in Mexico for the past six years under the name of General Roberto De Edmondo Cortes where it was said he had a secret army of 3,500 men throughout Mexico. He described this force as an anti-Castro force concentrating on Cuabn Communists in Mexico. He claims to have a “secret agent” working in the Cuban embassy here and alleges that Lee Oswald was in the Cuban embassy on July 12, 1963 to obtain a visa to Cuba. He claims that Oswald stayed in Mexico City for about a week and supposedly travelled here by airplane. Gallant was arrested by Mexican authorities and deported to the U.S. where he was wanted on forgery charges in California. The Mexi station has no corrobative information to substantiate any part of Gallant’s story.
A copy of the two sections of the Mexican tourist card (FM-8) utilized by Oswald in entering and leaving Mexico are enclosed. Unlike most of the material mentioned as attachments this one actually is.
Document # 104-10018-10069 is a one page document from the Deputy Director of Plans to Director, FBI. It is dated December 12, 1963. Att: Sam J. Papich. “Attached for your perusal are the written comments of KGB defector Peter Deryabin on some aspects of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.” He defected ten years previously. “Scelso” appears near the bottom of the page.
Document # 104-10018-10078 is a three page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. Duran arrested second time 27 Nov. interrogated 28 Nov. and released 29 Nov. She was asked her relations with number of individuals and owners of cars she was seen in during January ’63 surveillance by LITAINTS.
Document # 104-10018-10079 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City. It is dated 12/16/ 63. This originates with “John Scelso”. This concerns Silvia Duran’s statement that Aparicio has a telephone # 141299. Mexi asks who is Aparaicio and whether he has this telephone number. Mexi requests hqs to identify voices of various Soviets to whom Oswald spoke on the telephone or who dealt with his case with Silvia Duran. “John Scelso” signs off for Richard Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10081 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City dated December 12, 1963. The FBI is pushing to wind up its investigation of Mexi aspects of the case and wants the results of the interrogation of Silvia Duran and her husband during their second arrest. Hqs thinks she may not have been interrogated at all on her second arrest. This originates with “John Scelso” and he signs for Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10085 is an 11 page report containing the second interrogation of Silvia Duran by Mexican government and questions of Mexi station. This is from COS, Mexico City to Chief Western Hemisphere Division. It is dated December 12, 1963. It contains a record and routing sheet. The actual report in Spanish is attached.
Document # 104-10018-10086 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to Mexico City dated December 13, 1963. It originates from “John Scelso”. ODENVOY investigation shows car of F. Morgan Danels with plate TA 582 which Mexi reported outside Cuban Embassy on 21 Oct. had not been outside Texas around that date. They attach no special significance to this and are still checking owners of other cars. “John Scelso” signs off for Richard Helms. Document # 104-10018-10097 is a one page cable from Director, CIA to
Mexico City dated December 13, 1963. It originates with “John Scelso”. “Upon receipt you may resume usual practice of keeping Cuban and Soviet tapes two weeks and then erasing.” Well I think this again proves that tapes of the Soviet and Cuban embassies taken during the Oswald visit existed after the assassination. The cable goes on to say do not erase tapes made between Nov 22 and present. However, these are not as relevant or as important as the Oswald-Soviet Embassy-Cuban Embassy intercept tapes. “John Scelso” again signs off for Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10098 is a two page cable from Director, CIA to the White House attn: McGeorge Bundy; Department of State attn: U. Alexis Johnson; and the FBI. This originates from “John Scelso”. This is a summary of the main points of Silvia Duran’s second arrest. Silvia Duran denied being a member of The Lenin Sparticist League or The Mexican Communist Party. She did not believe in the ideas of either group except for their support of Cuba. She cliamed she was not affiliated with The Cuban Institute for Friendship with Peoples. She said she had no connection with the Soviet embassy and visited it only twice.
She recalled Lee Oswald and said he did not wear glasses. She knew of no red haired negro in the Cuban embassy. No new people had arrived to work at the Cuban embassy around the time that Oswald was there.
She admitted one 15 day trip to Cuba in 1961. She denied asking the Cuban ambassador to send her to Cuba after her first arrest.
“John Scelso” signs off for Richard Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10100 is a one apge cable from Director, CIA to The White House attn: McGeorge Bundy; Department of State attn: U. Alexis Johnson; and the FBI. This originates from “John Scelso”. It is dated December 12, 1963. “On 25 November 1963, according to a very sensitive source, Cuban Ambassador to Paris Harold Guillermo Gramatces Y Leyte Vidal said he ahd received cabled intructions from Havana to make no comment at all on the assassination of President Kennedy and to tell the Cuban consulate in Paris to do the same. “Scelso” signs off for Helms.
Document # 104-10018-10101 is a one apge dispatch from COS Mexico City to chief of the Western hemisphere Division. It is dated December 12, 1963. Attached are copies of the six tapes of the interrogation of Gilberto Alverado. This document is very similar to document # 104-10018-10047. In the interrogation the legat acted as interpreter for Mr. Peter K. Woodhead. Copies of the tapes were given to the legat. The originals are being held in Mexico City Station.
Document # 104-10018-10102 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated December 12, 1963. Since 12 December is Mexican holiday COS unable to reach either LITEMPO/4 or Echevarria.
Document # 104-10018-10105 is a two page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. Mexican newspaper Excelsior carried story on December 9, 1963 of Vincent Lee and his exchange of letters with Oswald. “Following to Jeremy Benadum from ‘ODENVY Source’ known to COS and to Urquhart (at HQS). Source is U.S. citizen communist and member of American communist group in Mexico in good standing. Source’s close friend Elizabeth Callet de Mora (Betty Mora) American negress, communist who now naturalized Mexican and wife of Francisco Mora (Mexican communist) had been called to Cuban embassy and told to forget that she saw Vincent Lee in Cuba in December 1962 and January 1963.
“Betty Mora and her husband are really frightened because they both believe Lee and Oswald had close relationship and probably Lee was in on the “planning” of Oswald’s assassination of President Kennedy.
Station files show that Vincent Lee travelled to Cuba from Mexico on 28 December with U.S. passport. Lee returned to Mexico City from Havana on January 21, 1963. Mrs. Mora travelled to Cuba on 30 December 1962 with courtesy passport and returned on same flight as Vincent Lee on January 21, 1963.
Document # 104-10018-10107 is a two page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. It is dated December 11, 1963. This apparently is an attachment to a cable HMMA 22604. There is a name that I can’t really make out that sent the cable to KUDOVE. The cable pertains to Lee Oswald’s application for Cuban visa and Cuban “line” that “Northamerican reactionaries wished to make Cuba—victim of their criminal designs.” Have made no repeat no local dissemination of this material. Source LICASA1.
The second page has the “C/S comment: underscored above is correct station number originally disseminated as 7437. There is handwritting that states, “please correct”.
Document # 104-10018-10109 is a one page cable from Clark Anderson, legal Attache to the Mexican Ambassador. “Enclosed herewith is a memorandum concerning the captioned matter in which you may be interested.” Now we shouldn’t know what this referred to but fortunately someone wrote in “Further investigation of Oswald’s stay in Mexico.
No, nothing was really enclosed.
Document # 104-10018-10110 is a one page cable from Mexico City to Director, CIA. “Current use [of] tapes about six dozen per week for both Cuban and Soviet embassy lines. Depending on length of time HQ wants tapes held suggest six dozen be pouched each week until notice received erase tapes. Is there something particular which Mexi should watch for or should tapes and or transcripts be pouched hqs.”
Great little document, isn’t it?
Document # 104-10062-10002 is a five page dispatch from COS Mexico City to Chief EE Division. What is the EE division?
Oddly, the RIF number is typed 0-0-0 with 104-10062-10002 handwritten in.
Page one is largely blank with some handwriting on it. It says, “This original was highlighted by mistake. The #10 in the upper right-hand corner was inadvertently added recently.”
This is a request for the renewal of the BESMOOTH project for the period January 1 through 31 December 1964. The cost of which will be $13,566.00. Reference F forwarded a comprehensive review of Woodrow D. Gabbott’s activities during the past year. Reference E forwarded the Station’s request for project amendment and renewal. It is signed by Willard C. Curtis.
This four page report has SECRET/KAPOK on the top of each page. I wonder what that means? I am duplicating these four pages in their entirety as best as I can as I have never seen anything quite like this document. And I know that I don’t know what to really make of this.
SECRET/KABOK REQUEST FOR RENEWAL OF PROJECT BESMOOTH A. Current Objectives Woodrow D. GABBOTT continues to carry out the first objective of the BESMOOTH Project, the monitoring and translating of LIFEAT / LITMUS and other LIFEAT / BEDOX materials. The second objective, processing of this material, is performed by the two NYXIS officers in the Station. Regarding the third objective, the assessment and approach to potential recruitment targets (official BEDOX personnel), the Station has made one unsuccesful approach to BEKNAVE and is planning an approach to the subject of HMMA-22460, 8 November 1963. Several other leads, including BESEAL and the BEDOX Comercial Counselor, are the direct results of LIFEAT processing and/or development by Gabbot. As regards the fourth objective, the development of sources in contact with BEDOX officials, we have recruited BECATCH (see below under Changes) and continue to look for other appropriate leads through LIFEAT and personal contacts. B. Changes GABBOTT - GABBOTT has married. He is still in the process of obtaining rentista status. Per HMMA-22487, 21 November 1963, the Station has suggested that GABBOTT's tour in Mexico be prolonged for the immediate future. BECATCH - During the project year, BECATCH was recruited primarily to access and develop the Subject of HMMA-22460. He has refused to accept a salary, but has openly shown a desire for assistance in obtaining a scholarship for his son to study in PBPRIME. Unfortunately, do to his age and illness, plus the fact that he does not live in Mexico City, he has been of only limited value to date. The Station still hopes that it will be able to further activate BACATCH. C. Intelligence Production Most of the positive intelligence has been credited to the LIFEAT Project. Contact between GABBOTT and BESEAL has resulted in two disseminations, IIMM-7144 and HMM-7996, which have been credited to Project BESMOOTH. SECRET/KABOK SECRET / KABOK -2- D. Effectiveness Project BESMOOTH is the mainspring of the BEDOX effort in Mexico. LIFEAT materials and GABBOTT's contact with BEDOX officials have been instrumental in initiating operations against a BEDOX official (BEKNAVE) and a local access agent (BECATCH). Without this support appartus, a BEDOX effort in Mexico would be greatly handicapped. New leads now under development establish the continuing need fro the BESMOOTH Project. E. Problems 1. Various problems concerning the handling of GABBOTT, none of the[m] insuperable, have been set forth in detail in HMMA-22487. The Station has gone on record in that dispatch in stating that GABBOTT's continued seervice in Mexico would be acceptable. 2. GABBOTT's occassional marital striffe presents a theoritical security hazard. As pointed out in HMMA-22487, however, the Station believes the situation, although it must be closely watched, is not likely to become a matter of real security concern. 3. There are no other immediate problems, security or otherwise. F. Liason None. G. Interagency/Coordination None. ODACID and ODENVOY are recipients of ceratin information obtained through the Project. H. Plans. The Station plan remainsto continue to use all BESMOOTH Project facilities to recruit BEDOX officials. As noted above, our primary target at the present time is the Subject of HMMA-22460, followed by the BEDOX Commercial Counselor and possibly BESEAL. GABBOTT will not be used to make recruitment approaches. SECRET / KAPOK SECRET / KAPOK -3- I. Costs. 1. Past Project Year - From 1 January 1963 to 1 November 1963, expenses ammounted to $10,296.00. For the remainder of the project year we expect to expend an additional $900.00 amking a total expenditure of approximately $11,196.00 for the full project year. 2. For the period 1 January 1964 through 31 December 1964, we request $13,566.00 broken down as follows: Compensation FY 64 FY 65 Total Woodrow D. GABBOTT $3,650.00 $3,650.00 $7,300.00 Travel (including possible home leave for GABBOTT and his dependents) $400.00 $400.00 $800.00 Housing Allowance 1,236.00 1,236.00 2,472.00 KUBARK Contribution to GABBOTT Retirement Annuity 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 Operational Expenses 750.00 750.00 1,500.00 Totals $6,786.00 $6,786.00 $13,566.00 Note: The increase of almost $2,00.00 per year is due largely to $1,500.00 to cover KUBARK's contribution to GABBOTT's retirement fund and additional monies for home leave benefits. SECRET / KAPOK SECRET / KAPOK Project: BESMOOTH Station Mexico City Case Officer: Chief of Station: Phineas F. SLINKARD Willard C. CURTIS
The HSCA Documents
1.) Document # 180-10060-10435 2.) Document # 180-10060-10436 3.) Document # 180-10060-10437 4.) Document # 180-10060-10438 5.) Document # 180-10060-10439 6.) Document # 180-10060-10440 7.) Document # 180-10060-10441 8.) Document # 180-10060-10442