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  Warren Commission Executive Session Transcripts
December 5, 1963 transcript  (PDF: 3642 K)
December 6, 1963 transcript  (PDF: 1235 K)
December 16, 1963 transcript  (PDF: 3012 K)
January 21, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 7232 K)
January 22, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 685 K)
January 27, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 4789 K)
February 24, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 344 K)
March 16, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 211 K)
April 30, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 2494 K)
May 19, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 3037 K)
June 4, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 587 K)
June 23, 1964 transcript  (PDF: 705 K)
September 18, 1964 minutes  (PDF: 298 K)

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Warren Commission Executive Session Transcripts

The Warren Commission met several times in executive session. The transcripts of these sessions were made public over the years and are now available in complete unedited form. The early transcripts include discussions of "problems" facing the Commission, including the allegation that Lee Oswald was a paid FBI informant.

The September 18 document is in the form of minutes rather than a transcript. At this meeting Senator Russell voiced his doubts about the report to be issued, and tried to get a dissenting opinion included. He relayed his frustrations in a phone call to President Lyndon Johnson that evening, a tape of which is now public. The minutes give no indication of the conflict at this meeting, other than a vague and cryptic sentence on the 3rd page.