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  HSCA Executive Session Transcripts
March 9, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 5468 K)
March 11, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 336 K)
March 16, 1977 (a) transcript  (PDF: 1565 K)
March 16, 1977 (b) transcript  (PDF: 4607 K)
March 17, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 6304 K)
June 28, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 37 K)
July 15, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 1697 K)
July 28, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 524 K)
September 7, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 98 K)
December 5, 1977 transcript  (PDF: 136 K)
December 6, 1977 (a) transcript  (PDF: 2283 K)
December 6, 1977 (b) transcript  (PDF: 498 K)
December 6, 1977 (c) transcript  (PDF: 840 K)
February 27, 1978 (a) transcript  (PDF: 2408 K)
February 27, 1978 (b) transcript  (PDF: 127 K)
February 27, 1978 (c) transcript  (PDF: 253 K)
April 6, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 1883 K)
April 13, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 914 K)
April 17, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 43 K)
April 24, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 1203 K)
June 16, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 1302 K)
June 19, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 1312 K)
July 13, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 1768 K)
July 18, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 49 K)
July 27, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 54 K)
August 3, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 5337 K)
August 15, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 1845 K)
September 6, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 792 K)
September 19, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 575 K)
October 12, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 267 K)
November 9, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 686 K)
December 22, 1978 transcript  (PDF: 359 K)

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HSCA Executive Session Transcripts

Among the vast files of the HSCA are four boxes of Executive Session files, containing a few dozen transcripts and related materials. These are all reproduced here in chronological order. The first of these come from the early days of the HSCA, when Richard Sprague was Chief Counsel, before his resignation and replacement by G. Robert Blakey.

The Committee also took a great deal of testimony in Executive Session, and very little of that material is contained in this set, which is mostly working discussions of the Committee (these depositions are found in other files of the HSCA, including the "Security Classified testimony" boxes and the voluminous "numbered files."