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  Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XIII
Title  (PDF: 70 K)
Preface  (PDF: 40 K)
Contents  (PDF: 103 K)
L. C. Graves  (PDF: 896 K)
L. C. Graves (resumed)  (PDF: 79 K)
James Robert Leavelle  (PDF: 607 K)
Detective L. D. Montgomery  (PDF: 1222 K)
Thomas Donald McMillon  (PDF: 1349 K)
Forrest V. Sorrels  (PDF: 2265 K)
Dr. Fred A. Bieberdorf  (PDF: 542 K)
Mrs. Frances Cason  (PDF: 444 K)
Michael Hardin  (PDF: 424 K)
C. E. Hulse  (PDF: 280 K)
Ira Jefferson 'Jack' Beers, Jr.  (PDF: 845 K)
Robert Leonard Hankal  (PDF: 343 K)
Robert S. Huffaker, Jr.  (PDF: 591 K)
George R. Phenix  (PDF: 572 K)
Jimmy Turner  (PDF: 875 K)
Harold R. Fuqua  (PDF: 422 K)
Edward Kelly  (PDF: 129 K)
Louis McKinzie  (PDF: 668 K)
Edward E. Pierce  (PDF: 818 K)
Alfreadia Riggs  (PDF: 691 K)
John Olridge Servance  (PDF: 499 K)
A. M. Eberhardt  (PDF: 1086 K)
Sidney Evans, Jr.  (PDF: 473 K)
Bruce Ray Carlin  (PDF: 385 K)
Karen Bennett Carlin  (PDF: 1150 K)
Doyle E. Lane  (PDF: 539 K)
Elnora Pitts  (PDF: 820 K)
Hal Priddy, Jr.  (PDF: 340 K)
Huey Reeves  (PDF: 909 K)
Warren E. Richey  (PDF: 489 K)
Malcolm R. Slaughter  (PDF: 410 K)
Vernon S. Smart  (PDF: 794 K)
John Allison Smith  (PDF: 590 K)
Jesse M. Strong  (PDF: 419 K)
Ira N. Walker, Jr.  (PDF: 562 K)
John L. Daniels  (PDF: 264 K)
Theodore Jackson  (PDF: 261 K)
Andrew Armstrong, Jr.  (PDF: 4417 K)
Andrew Armstrong, Jr. (resumed)  (PDF: 1044 K)
Mrs. Bertha Cheek  (PDF: 1498 K)
Curtis LaVerne Crafard  (PDF: 6838 K)

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Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XIII

Volume XIII of the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits volumes is one of 10 volumes of testimony and affidavits taken in various locations by staff attorneys for the Warren Commission. There are an additional 5 volumes of testimony taken by Commission members in Washington DC, and 11 volumes of Exhibits.