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  HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume XI
Title  (PDF: 56 K)
Foreword  (PDF: 48 K)
The Warren Commission 
  (PDF: 58 K)
I. Operations and Procedures
  (PDF: 1861 K)
Creation of the Warren Commission
Purposes of the Warren Commission
Organization of the Warren Commission
Independent Investigators
Communication Among the Staff
Interaction Between the Warren Commission and the Staff
II. Relationship Between the Warren Commission and the FBI and the CIA
  (PDF: 2732 K)
A. Perspective of the Warren Commission
B. Attitude of the FBI and the CIA Toward the Warren Commission
Attachment A: The Warren Commission
  (PDF: 27 K)
Attachment B: Monthly Progress of the Warren Commission Investigation
  (PDF: 57 K)
Attachment C: Days Worked by Warren Commission Staff
  (PDF: 45 K)
Attachment D: Executive Session Testimony of Arlen Specter and Dean Norman Redlich
Arlen Specter
  (PDF: 2058 K)
Dean Norman Redlich
  (PDF: 2436 K)
Attachment E: Executive Session Testimony of W. David Slawson and Wesley Liebeler
W. David Slawson
  (PDF: 4958 K)
Wesley Liebeler
  (PDF: 3817 K)
Attachment F: Executive Session Testimony of Judge Burt W. Griffin and Howard P. Willens
Burt W. Griffin
  (PDF: 3335 K)
Howard P. Willens
  (PDF: 2367 K)
Attachment G: Executive Session Deposition of J. Lee Rankin
  (PDF: 3240 K)
Attachment H: Deposition of Howard P. Willens
  (PDF: 3447 K)
Attachment I: Letter and attachments from Judge Burt W. Griffin to G. Robert Blakey, November 23, 1977
  (PDF: 159 K)
Attachment J: Letter from Howard P. Willens to G. Robert Blakey, December 14, 1978
  (PDF: 84 K)
  (PDF: 347 K)
Analysis of the Support Provided to the Warren Commission by the Central Intelligence Agency  (PDF: 2110 K)
I. Foreword
II. Organization of the CIA's Investigation of President Kennedy's Assassination
III. The Warren Commission-CIA Working Relationship
A. Opinions of Warren Commission and CIA Representatives Regarding the Warren Commission-CIA Relationship
B. The CIA's Failure to Disclose CIA Anti-Castro Assassination Plans to the Warren Commission
C. Agency's Legal Responsibility to Protect Sensitive Sources and Methods...
D. Warren Commission Knowledge of CIA Sensitive Sources and Methods
E. The Photograph of an Unidentified Individual
F. Luisa Calderon Carralero
IV. Balance of the Evidence
Politics and Presidential Protection: The Motorcade  (PDF: 2115 K)
I. The Origins of the Plan for President Kennedy to Visit Texas
II. The Process of the Selection of Dates for the Trip and the Planning of the Itinerary
III. Texas Christian University Appearance
IV. The Political Controversy Surrounding the Selection of a Speech Site for the President's Appearance in Dallas
V. The Role of the Secret Service in the Resolution of the Selection of the Speech Site and the Motorcade Route
VI. The Publication in Dallas Newspapers of the Motorcade Route
VII. The Residual Role of the Secret Service in Motorcade Planning
Possible Military Investigation of the Assassination  (PDF: 710 K)
Huff Allegation
The Committee's Investigation
Huff Interview and Deposition
Moffitt Interview
Roberts Interview
Morgan Interview
Contacts with CID Officers
Morgan Letter

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HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume XI

Volume XI of the HSCA's Appendices contains staff reports on the Warren Commission and its relationship with federal intelligence agencies, which withheld important information from the Commission. This volume also contains reports on the planning for the Texas trip and an investigation of the assassination apparently conducted by the U.S. military.