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  Volume 7: Covert Action
Title  (PDF: 129 K)
Thursday, December 4, 1975  (PDF: 573 K)
Statement of William G. Miller...
Statement of William B. Bader...
  (PDF: 309 K)
Statement of Karl F. Inderfurth...
  (PDF: 314 K)
Statement of Gregory F. Treverton...
  (PDF: 878 K)
Testimony of Ralph Dungan...
  (PDF: 328 K)
Testimony of Charles A. Meyer...
  (PDF: 249 K)
Testimony of Edward M. Korry...
  (PDF: 1600 K)
Friday, December 5, 1975  (PDF: 401 K)
Statement of Clark M. Clifford...
Statement of Cyrus Vance...
  (PDF: 163 K)
Testimony of David A. Phillips...
  (PDF: 240 K)
Statement of Morton H. Halperin...
  (PDF: 3009 K)
Hearings Exhibits  (PDF: 1955 K)
1. Chart showing covert action expenditures in Chile by technique, 1963-73
2. Handwritten notes by Richard Helms...
3. October 20, 1975 letter from Gregory Treverton to Edward M. Korry
4. October 23, 1975 from Edward M. Korry to Senator Church
5. September 29, 1970 Department of State cable from Ambassador Edward Korry...
6. Chart showing covert action expenditures and 40 Committee approval...
7. May 29, 1961 letter from President Kennedy to all U.S. Chiefs of Mission
8. October 25, 1961 letter from Clark M. Clifford to President Kennedy...
Appendix A: "Covert Action in Chile, 1963-73"...  (PDF: 5997 K)
Table of Contents
I. Overview and Background
A. Overview: Covert Action in Chile
B. Issues
C. Historical Background to Recent United States-Chilean Relations
II. The Range of Covert Action in Chile
A. Covert Action and Other Clandestine Activities
B. Covert Action in Chile: Techniques
C. Covert Action and Multinational Corporations
III. Major Covert Action Programs and Their Effects
A. The 1964 Presidential Election
B. Covert Action: 1964-1969
C. The 1970 Election: A "Spoiling" Campaign
D. Covert Action Between September 4 and October 24, 1970
E. Covert Action During the Allende Years, 1970-1973
F. Post-1973
IV. Chile: Authorization, Assessment, Oversight
A. 40 Committee Authorization and Control: Chile, 1969-1973
B. Intelligence Estimates and Covert Action
C. Congressional Oversight
V. Preliminary Conclusions
A. Covert Action and U.S. Foreign Policy
B. Executive Command and Control of Major Covert Action
C. The Role of Congress
D. Intelligence Judgments and Covert Operations
E. Effects of Major Covert Action Programs
Appendix: Chonology: Chile 1962-1975
Appendix B: The National Security Act of 1947, as amended 
Appendix C: The War Powers Resolution of 1973 
Appendix D: Section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act... 

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Volume 7: Covert Action

The testimony presented in this volume is from the only public hearings the Church Committee conducted on the subject of covert action. The Committee decided that the public right to know of these operations exceeded the possible harm to national security that might result. In any case, particulars such as names of agents and other details were kept from public view. These hearings involve only one area of covert action: the United States government’s attempts to rid Chile of its democratically elected socialist leadership. This effort, undertaken in the face of the 1970 Chilean elections which so alarmed the Nixon administration, was successfully concluded in 1973 when General Pinochet led a military coup and overthrew Salvador Allende. Witnesses included high-level Defense and CIA officers including Clark Clifford and David Phillips, former Ambassadors to Chile, and others.