AARC Public Library Guide - Troubleshooting

Here are some helpful tips to problems you may experience accessing the AARC Public Library:

PDF files seem to take forever to appear.

When I click on a PDF icon or try to load a PDF file from the Search Results, the Adobe Reader doesn't load.

The Adobe Reader runs "standalone" in its own window, not inside the browser window.

When I resize my browser to get a better look at a PDF document, the Adobe viewer doesn't resize.

PDF files seem to take forever to appear.

Adobe Portable Document files can be very large. They are typically about 75K bytes per page, and may run from one page to hundreds. A 56K analog modem will download each page of a PDF file in approximately 15 to 30 seconds. Therefore, a very large PDF file may take 10 minutes or even longer to load with such a modem. All PDF files are tagged with their size in bytes, so that you can make an informed choice as to whether it's "worth it" to view the file.

Note that the Table of Contents features documents as individual scanned pages as well, and these are much quicker to download and view. If you see a document in a search window that you'd like to view but it seems too large, the entry should contain enough information for you to find the scanned page set in the Table of Contents without too much trouble.

When I click on a PDF icon, the Adobe Reader doesn't load.

The Adobe Acrobat Reader is a separate program created by Adobe Inc., and is freely downloadable from their web site. The Reader is currently bundled with web browsers and many computer operating systems, but if your computer is an older model, it is possible you don't have it. If you're not sure whether you have this viewer or not, click this link to test for the presence of the Adobe Reader. If you were taken to a test PDF document, congratulations. Otherwise, see the link below.

Click on the icon to the left to download the Adobe Reader from Adobe's web site.

The Adobe Reader runs "standalone" in its own window, not inside the browser window.

This shouldn't happen with Microsoft's Internet Explorer, but may happen with Netscape's browsers. The solution, assuming you are running under Microsoft Windows, is to hand-copy a particular DLL file from the Adobe Reader directory to the Netscape plug-ins directory. You can do this using the standard copy and paste techniques of Windows Explorer. This file is named something like "nppdf32.dll." The Adobe Reader plug-in folder will be something like:

c:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat5\Reader\Browser (folder will vary depending on Reader version and installation folder)

and should be copied to a folder which may be named something like:

c:\Program Files\Netscape\Communicator\Program\Plugins

Unfortunately, the steps to fix this problem cannot be laid out more exactly, as they depend on the version of each of these programs (Adobe Reader and Netscape) and where each of these two programs have been installed.

When I resize my browser to get a better look at a PDF document, the Adobe viewer doesn't resize.

This problem may appear when under certain condictions viewing PDF documents if you are using Netscape version 4. It is caused by a "resizing" bug in that browser. The recommended solution is to upgrade your browser to Netscape 6 (a free download from www.netscape.com - clickon the Browser Central tab), or use Microsoft Internet Explorer.



links to web sites which may be of help in using this online library:

www.microsoft.com - Microsoft is the developer of Internet Explorer, one of the two major web browsers. See also the home page for Internet Explorer on the Microsoft site.

www.netscape.com - Netscape makes the other major web browser. See also the Browser Central page on their site.

www.adobe.com - Adobe Systems is the maker of Adobe Acrobat Reader, the viewer for PDF files. See also the download page for Adobe Reader, and useful troubleshooting information on their Support Knowledgebase.