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  NARA testing of JFK assassination bullet fragments
Lab Tests on Kennedy Assassination Evidence Now Complete  (PDF: 1479 K)
Bellardo to Robinson 1-13-00 
Memorandum of Transmittal 
Further Scientific Examination of JFK Assassination Evidence 
Fibrous Trace Evidence Examination and Comparison 
Examination of Suspected Biological Tissue and/or Organic Material 
Participants in the Evaluation of JFK Assassination Evidence at NARA 
Schedule of Testing Procedures 
Objects Examined 
FBI to Tilley 9-18-98 
FBI Reports of Examination 
AFIP to Tilley 9-25-98 
AFIP Final Report - Evaluation of John F. Kennedy Assassination Evidence 
AFIP Report Summary 
Keeney to Freeh 1-25-96 

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NARA testing of JFK assassination bullet fragments

In January of 2000, the National Archives completed its testing of Warren Commission Exhibit 567, which consists of nose portion of a bullet found in the limousine in which JFK was riding while assassinated. The fragment is accompanied by 4 pieces of organic material. The tests were conducted to determine the nature of the fibers adhering to the bullet and the nature of the accompanying organic material. This including DNA tests to see if the organic material could be identified as tissue from either President Kennedy or Texas Governor Connally. Laboratory tests were conducted by outside laboratories including that of the FBI and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology.

Tests concluded that the fibrous material was not of textile origin, and thus could not be matched to the clothing of either man. The organic material was determined to be of human origin, but mitochondrial DNA tests were inconclusive.