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  HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume VII
Title  (PDF: 52 K)
Medical Panel Report  (PDF: 195 K)
Section I. Introduction
  (PDF: 361 K)
Section II. Performance of Autopsy
  (PDF: 1078 K)
Part I. Introduction
Part II. Facts and Issues
Part III. Conclusions
Section III. Chain of Custody of the Materials Acquired During the Autopsy
  (PDF: 920 K)
Part I. Introduction
Part II. Chain of Custody of the Autopsy Materials
Part III. Subsequent History of Materials
Part IV. Additional Efforts to Acquire the Missing Materials
Part V. Conclusions
Section IV. Authenticity
  (PDF: 2199 K)
Part I. Introduction
Part II. Procedures Employed in Examining the Autopsy Photographs and X-rays
Part III. Conclusions
Addendum A. Report of Dr. Kerley and Dr. Snow
Addendum B. Report of Dr. Levine
Addendum C. Report of Frank Scott
Section V. Report of the Forensic Pathology Panel
Part I. Procedures Followed by the Forensic Pathology Panel
  (PDF: 237 K)
Part II. Recommendations for Additional Examinations, Procedures, and Consultations by Nonpathology Disciplines
  (PDF: 296 K)
Part III. Observations and Conclusions Derived from the Examination of the Available Evidence...
Description of President Kennedy's Wounds
  (PDF: 4034 K)
Entrance (inshoot) wound of the upper back and neck
Exit (outshoot) wound of the anterior (front) neck
Course of the missile through the body
Entrance (inshoot) wound of the back of the head
Exit (outshoot) wound of the side of the head
Course of the missile through the head
Other Autopsy considerations
Description of Governor Connally's Wounds
  (PDF: 1511 K)
Entrance (inshoot) wound of the right lateral back (thorax)
Exit (outshoot) wound of the right anterior chest
Course of the missile through the back (thorax)
Reentry wound into the dorsum (top or back) of the right wrist
Exit wound on the volar (lower) surface of the right wrist
Course of the missile through the right wrist
Reentry wound in the left thigh
Summary of the Forensic Pathologists' Perspective of Wound Ballistics
  (PDF: 970 K)
Summary of the Forensic Pathology Panel's Conclusions Concerning the Missile Wounds...
  (PDF: 480 K)
Part IV. Critique of the Earlier Examination, with Presenation of Suggested Procedures...
  (PDF: 878 K)
The medicolegal examination
Specific considerations pertaining to the John F. Kennedy autopsy
Part V. Suggested Procedures to be Followed in the Event of Subsequent Assassinations of Federal Officials
  (PDF: 234 K)
Dissenting View Part VI. Addendum to the Forensic Pathology Panel Report, Submitted by Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.
  (PDF: 700 K)
Part VII. Majority Response to the Dissent of Dr. Cyrl H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.
  (PDF: 15 K)
  (PDF: 267 K)
Addenda to the Report of the Forensic Pathology Panel
Addendum A. List of the Documentary Materials Provided to the Forensic Pathology Panel...
  (PDF: 132 K)
Addendum B. List of Additional Documentary Materials Provided to the Forensic Pathology Panel...
  (PDF: 31 K)
Addendum C. Report of G. M. McDonnel, M.D...
  (PDF: 175 K)
Addendum D. Report of David O. Davis, M.D...
  (PDF: 206 K)
Addendum E. Memorandum of J. Lawrence Angel...
  (PDF: 103 K)
Addendum F. Report on the Soft X-ray and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis of the Clothing...
  (PDF: 190 K)
Addendum G. Report of the Physical Examination of Governor John R. Connally...
  (PDF: 53 K)
Addendum H. Report on the X-ray Back Scatter and Scanning Electron Microscopy...
  (PDF: 46 K)
Addendum I. Interviews conducted by the House Select Committee on Assassinations...
Interview of Drs. James J. Humes and J. Thorton Boswell...
  (PDF: 1628 K)
Interview of Dr. C. James Carrico
  (PDF: 330 K)
Interview of Dr. Norman Chase
  (PDF: 101 K)
Interview of Dr. Marion T. Jenkins
  (PDF: 70 K)
Interview of Dr. John Lattimer
  (PDF: 125 K)
Interview of Dr. Malcolm Oliver Perry
  (PDF: 666 K)
Interview of Dr. Jack Reynolds
  (PDF: 67 K)
Interview of Dr. William B. Seaman
  (PDF: 65 K)
Interview of Dr. Robert Shaw
  (PDF: 260 K)
Interview of Dr. George Thomas Shires
  (PDF: 388 K)
Addendum J. Letter from Michael M. Baden, M.D...
  (PDF: 42 K)
  (PDF: 179 K)
Firearms Panel Report  (PDF: 23 K)
  (PDF: 639 K)
Selection of the Panel
The issues addressed
Procedures and equipment
Findings and Conclusions of the Firearms Panel Concerning the Kennedy Assassination
  (PDF: 1240 K)
Kennedy Shooting
Tippit Murder
Oswald Murder
Summary and Conclusions
  (PDF: 2327 K)
  (PDF: 132 K)
  (PDF: 78 K)

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HSCA Appendix to Hearings - Volume VII

Volume VII of the HSCA's Appendices contains the reports of the HSCA medical panel and its firearms panel. The medical panel affirmed the Warren Commission's conclusions regarding the direction from which shots came (behind and above) and endorsed the single bullet theory, with one dissenting member. However, basic findings of the autopsy doctors were disputed by the medical panel, including the location of wounds in Kennedy's body. In the 1990s, formerly-secret medical testimony taken by HSCA staffers showed that many autopsy witnesses gave information which directly contradicted the autopsy doctors and the photographs, and the HSCA misrepresented their views in this report (apparently the medical panel members never saw these staff interviews).

The much shorter firearms panel report includes information on the Kennedy, Tippit, and Oswald shooting, and includes many photographic exhibits.