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  HSCA Hearings - Volume V
Title  (PDF: 70 K)
Wednesday, September 27, 1978 
Narration by G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Staff Director
  (PDF: 113 K)
Testimony of Lewis McWillie, Las Vegas, Nev.
  (PDF: 7063 K)
Narration by G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Staff Director
  (PDF: 2579 K)
Testimony of Jose Aleman
  (PDF: 1736 K)
Thursday, September 28, 1978 
Testimony of Santos Trafficante
  (PDF: 1846 K)
Testimony of Ralph Salerno
  (PDF: 4436 K)
Testimony of Judge Burt W. Griffin, Former Assistant Counsel for the Warren Commission...
  (PDF: 1961 K)
Friday, December 29, 1978 
Narration by Prof. G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Staff Director
  (PDF: 3135 K)
Testimony of Prof. Mark Weiss and Mr. Ernest Aschkenasy
  (PDF: 4105 K)
Testimony of Police Officer H. B. McLain, Dallas Police Department, Dallas, Tex.
  (PDF: 1306 K)
Afternoon Session
  (PDF: 324 K)
Further Testimony of Dr. James Barger
  (PDF: 2106 K)
Final Comments by Prof. G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Staff Director
  (PDF: 529 K)
Closing Remarks by Chairman Louis Stokes
  (PDF: 1278 K)

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HSCA Hearings - Volume V

The last of the five Hearings volumes of the HSCA consists of the proceedings of Sept. 27 and 28, 1978, plus an additional day of hearings held on December 29, 1978. The September testimony was concerned primarily with organized crime. The final day of hearings, held 3 months later, dealt with acoustics evidence.

Sept. 27 was taken up largely by the testimony of Ruby associate Lewis McWillie, who worked in gambling casinos in Havana and Las Vegas. McWillie was followed by Jose Aleman, a Cuban exile who was the son of a former Cuban minister of education.

The following day, Sept. 28, began with the testimony of organized crime boss Santos Trafficante, followed by a presentation by Ralph Salerno, the Committee's consultant on organized crime. After Salerno the Committee questioned Judge Burt Griffin, a former Warren Commission staffer who had been involved in the Ruby investigation.

Three months later, on Dec. 29, the Committee heard more testimony on the acoustics evidence which indicated a fourth grassy knoll shot. Witnesses included Professor Mark Weiss and Ernest Aschkenasy, Dallas Police Officer H. B. McLain, and Dr. James Barger. Closing remarks were made by Chief Counsel G. Robert Blakey and Chairman Louis Stokes.