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  Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts
Hugh Anderson  (PDF: 729 K)
Dean Andrews, Jr.  (PDF: 5654 K)
Dean Andrews, Jr. (2nd appearance)  (PDF: 1480 K)
Edward Baldwin  (PDF: 1981 K)
Thomas Beckham  (PDF: 9080 K)
Arthur Bidderson  (PDF: 1555 K)
John Cancler, Jr.  (PDF: 738 K)
F. Lee Crisman  (PDF: 1651 K)
William Dalzell  (PDF: 2324 K)
Eugene Davis  (PDF: 3869 K)
Rancier Ehlinger  (PDF: 1125 K)
William Gurvich  (PDF: 2645 K)
William Gurvich (2nd appearance)  (PDF: 4899 K)
John Rene Heindel  (PDF: 6483 K)
John Rene Heindel (2nd appearance)  (PDF: 5993 K)
Jim Hicks  (PDF: 1274 K)
Josephine Hug  (PDF: 1404 K)
Josephine Hug & Jasper Joseph Hug  (PDF: 2339 K)
Regis Kennedy  (PDF: 1739 K)
Burton Klein  (PDF: 1028 K)
Peggy Landry & Nestor Joseph Landry, Jr.  (PDF: 1347 K)
Mark Lane  (PDF: 3994 K)
Ray Marcus  (PDF: 7148 K)
Layton Martens  (PDF: 3151 K)
William Monaghan  (PDF: 1106 K)
Goldie Moore  (PDF: 2702 K)
Malcolm O'Hara  (PDF: 775 K)
Ruth Paine  (PDF: 5283 K)
Ed Planer  (PDF: 1052 K)
Steven Plotkin, Rancier Ehlinger, Byron Chiverton  (PDF: 2767 K)
Steven Plotkin  (PDF: 954 K)
Marina Oswald Porter  (PDF: 3769 K)
Carlos Quiroga  (PDF: 3165 K)
Perry Russo  (PDF: 4182 K)
Zachary Strate, Jr.  (PDF: 1332 K)
Kerry Thornley  (PDF: 5606 K)
Miguel Torres  (PDF: 2553 K)
William Turner  (PDF: 561 K)
Harold Weisberg  (PDF: 5680 K)
Russ Yockey  (PDF: 405 K)

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Orleans Parish Grand Jury Transcripts

The Orleans Parish Grand Jury transcripts consist of testimony taken during 1967, 1968, and early 1969, as part of the Garrison investigation into the murder of President John F. Kennedy. These transcripts were ordered destroyed in the early 1970s by Garrison's successor as District Attorney, Harry Connick.

But the man who was supposed to destroy them, Gary Raymond, instead hid them in a garage for over two decades. Then in 1995, Raymond arranged for journalist Richard Angelico to pass these grand jury transcripts on to the Assassination Records Review Board. Connick, still the DA, convicted both men of contempt of court, and demanded that the ARRB return the transcripts.

The ARRB, meanwhile, was still seeking records (5 drawers of files) of Garrison investigation files held by Connick. The ARRB won its battle with Connick, and both the grand jury transcripts presented here and the investigation files are now part of the JFK Collection at the National Archives. The AARC is also in possession of a good deal of this material.