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  Volume 4: Mail Opening
Title  (PDF: 171 K)
Tuesday, October 21, 1975  (PDF: 1798 K)
Testimony of Gordon Stewart...
Testimony of Howard J. Osborn...
  (PDF: 1084 K)
Wednesday, October 22, 1975  (PDF: 2121 K)
Testimony of J. Edward Day...
Testimony of James Reilly, Sr...
  (PDF: 219 K)
Testimony of Henry Montague...
  (PDF: 1110 K)
Testimony of Richard Helms...
  (PDF: 2692 K)
Friday, October 24, 1975  (PDF: 2244 K)
Testimony of John Mitchell...
Testimony of W. Raymond Wannall...
  (PDF: 2038 K)
Hearings Exhibits  (PDF: 3398 K)
1. Inspector General's Survey of the Office of Security
2. November 21, 1955 memorandum to Chief of Operations...
3. May 4, 1956 memorandum from James Angleton to Director of Central Intelligence...
4. June 3, 1971 memorandum for the record...
5. August 30, 1971 memorandum to Deputy Chief, Counterintelligence...
6. Chart prepared by Senate Select Committee...
7. April 23, 1965 memorandum for the files from [CIA officer]...
8. February 16, 1961 memorandum from Richard Helms to Deputy Chief...
9. May 19, 1971 memorandum for the record...
10. February 16, 1971 memorandum from Richard Helms to Deputy Chief...
11. Excerpts from June 1970 Special Report...
12. March 20, 1970 letter from Richard Helms to J. Edgar Hoover
13. February 1, 1962 memorandum from Deputy Chief, Counterintelligence...
14. July 28, 1970 memorandum for the record from Richard Helms...
15. September 18, 1970 memorandum from John Dean to the Attorney General
16. March 11, 1960 memorandum from SAC, San Francisco...
17. December 5, 1973 SAC memorandum 56-73
18. October 2, 1964 memorandum from D.E. Moore to W.C. Sullivan...
19. February 27, 1965 memorandum from A.H. Belmont to Clyde Tolson...
20. March 2, 1965 memorandum from J. Edgar Hoover...
21. February 20, 1975 memorandum for the record...
22. March 10, 1961 memorandum from D.E. Moore to A.H. Belmont...
23. August 24, 1966 memorandum from M.E. Triplett to W.A. Branigan
24. May 25, 1965 Airtel from SAC, San Francisco to FBI Headquarters
25. May 24, 1975 Decision in Lamont v. Postmaster General of the United States
26. January 18, 1966 memorandum from FBI Headquarters to SAC, San Francisco...
27. May 17, 1954 memorandum to Director of Security from Richard Helms...
Appendix: October 24, 1975 letter from J. Edward Day to the Senate Select Committee 

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Volume 4: Mail Opening

For a period of approximately two decades, agencies of the U.S. government ran operations which opened the mail of some American citizens. The first identified intercept operation was started by the CIA’s Office of Security in 1952, and mail going to and from the Soviet Union was a subject of keen interest. “Take” from the mail interception was shared in many cases with the FBI. A particularly large-scale mail-opening operation was conducted in New York, and targeted mail entering from the Soviet Union. This operation, run by the CIA, went by the project codename HTLINGUAL. One of the more famous persons to have his mail opened was Lee Harvey Oswald, the accused assassin of President Kennedy. Witnesses included senior officials of the CIA, the Postal Service, the FBI, and the Justice Department.