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  Book VI: Supplementary Reports on Intelligence Activities
Title  (PDF: 195 K)
The Evolution and Organization of the Federal Intelligence Function...  (PDF: 425 K)
I. Research Limitations
II. Intelligence Authority
Part One: The Small Beginnings (1776-1914)  (PDF: 5382 K)
I. Revolution and Intelligence
II. The New Nation
III. Mission to Florida
IV. Mexican War
V. Civil War
VI. Pinkerton
VII. Seward
VIII. Baker
IX. Dodge
X. Carrington
XI. Signal Services
XII. Lesser Efforts
XIII. Secret Service
XIV. Armed Forces Intelligence
XV. Spanish-American War
XVI. Post-War Developments
Part Two: The Middle Years (1914-1939)  (PDF: 4413 K)
I. Military Intelligence
II. Naval Intelligence
III. Bureau of Investigation
IV. American Protective League
V. Other Factors
VI. Red Scare
VII. American Black Chamber
VIII. Intelligence at Twilight
Part Three: The National Security Colossus (1939-1975)  (PDF: 12062 K)
I. Neutral America
II. Attack
III. Office of Strategic Services
IV. Air Intelligence
V. Military Intelligence
VI. Naval Intelligence
VII. Civilian Intelligence
VIII. Post-war Adjustment
IX. Atomic Energy Commission
X. National Security Council
XI. Central Intelligence Agency
XII. Defense Intelligence
XIII. State Department
XIV. President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
XV. Loyalty-Security
XVI. Watergate
XVII. Justice Department
XVIII. Treasury Department
XIX. Overview
Bibliography  (PDF: 6275 K)
Appendix I: The Evolution and Organization of Federal Intelligence Institutions 1882-1975 
Appendix II: Government Information Security Classification Policy 
I. National Defense
II. World War I
III. Peacetime Protection
IV. World War II
V. The Coolidge Committee
VI. The Wright Commission
VII. The Moss Committee
VIII. Other Congressional Actors
IX. Overview
Government Information Security Classification Policy: A Select Bibliography
Executive Agreements: A Survey of Recent Congressional Interest and Action 
I. The Making of Executive Agreements
II. Congressional Interest and Actions Before 1967
III. Senate Resolutions: 1969, 1970, and 1972
IV. The Case Act, Public Law 92-403
V. Attempts to Limit Spending Required by Executive Agreements
VI. Disapproval Procedure for Executive Agreements
VII. Future Congressional Concerns
Appendix A: Statistics on Executive Agreements and Treaties... 
Appendix B: Department of State Revision of Circular 175 Procedure 
Appendix C: Legislation Pending in the 93d Congress Relating to... 

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Book VI: Supplementary Reports on Intelligence Activities

Book VI traces the history of intelligence by the federal government from 1776 to 1975. The discussion of the years before World War I includes sections on various American wars, notable persons such as Allan Pinkerton and Lincoln’s Secretary of State William Seward, and the creation of the Secret Service. The years between the wars includes discussion of military intelligence agencies, the Bureau of Investigation, and the (first) Red Scare. The post-WWII era, titled the “National Security Colossus” in this report, discusses the blizzard of intelligence agencies created in the early days of what became known as the Cold War. These include various military intelligence agencies, the Atomic Energy Commission, the National Security Council, the CIA, and others. Also in this report is a discussion of the history of government information security classification policy.